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Rediscovering Hairy Clematis

Story and photos by Gerry Steinauer With no formal training as a writer, my Nebraskaland articles usually require hard work — including days pondering a storyline, late nights writing and re-rewriting, as well as extensive travel to obtain photos. Recently, however, the storyline and photos for an article on the rare hairy clematis (Clematis hirisutissima) fell into my lap. The Plant Although hairy clematis is common throughout much of the western United States, it is rare in Nebraska. Here it …

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Fish Smarter, Not Harder


Fall has been “on” for several weeks now.  If you have been reading my blog for a while you know that means I have been fishing, hard.  I probably fish as hard or harder in the fall than I do any other time of year, especially any other time of open-water fishing. What does that mean?  Does it mean I am on the water sunrise to sunset, three, four, or five days a week?  I wish, but not hardly. Don’t …

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Liberalized Regulations at Standing Bear


Again, I know this news will not be of interest to many, but there have been questions going around, and I want to get this out: Fishing salvage allowed at Standing Bear Lake ahead of improvement project Standing Bear Lake will be drawn down this winter to make way for boat ramp repairs, access and habitat improvements, and fisheries renovation at the Omaha water body. Public fish salvage will be allowed. From Oct. 29, 2022, to March 31, 2023, anglers …

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What Scares You?


It is the end of October again; the season for all things spooky.  I guess.  Have blogged often about this curious desire we seem to have–the desire to have ourselves scared, spooked.  I am sure it is the adrenaline rush that we crave, whether we admit it or not.  It gives us a “high”.  It makes us alive. Without over-thinking, it is just plain fun. I find it curious the things that scare people.  Over the years I have made …

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News Updates, Oct. 26, 2022


Seems like most of my blog posts this fall have been news items.  I know most of them do not impact a lot of anglers or other users.  But, if you are one who it will impact, you will want to know.  And, I know these things often “fall through the cracks”.  So, in no particular order: Olive Creek areas remains open after wildfire Olive Creek State Recreation Area and Olive Creek Wildlife Management Area in southwestern Lancaster County will …

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Bird Banding in the Panhandle

By: Delanie Bruce, Education Manager, Bird Conservancy of the Rockies & Nebraska Game and Parks Commission Wildcat Hills State Recreation Area and Chadron State Park saw a lot of birds this fall migration season. Over the seven-week period, Aug. 24-Oct. 15, 2022, staff banded nearly 700 song birds between the two stations: 165 birds at Chadron and 527 birds at Wildcat Hills. Bird banding is the process of capturing wild birds and placing a uniquely numbered band around one leg …

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Fall To-Do List


Some of you hard cores are going to be on the water for a while yet, but some are thinking of getting ready for winter.  As more put their boats, docks and lifts away for the winter, make sure to remember this: Check boats, lifts, and docks for invasive aquatic hitchhikers as weather cools Nebraskans are urged to check boats, boat lifts and docks for invasive species when removing them from water bodies for the winter. Aquatic hitchhikers like zebra …

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I Have Seen that Face Before


Got a message from an angler a week ago who had some questions I could answer.  I get a lot of those.  He mentioned that he had caught a big tiger trout.  That piqued my interest, so I asked how big?  He answered and sent a photo. I took one look at the photo and knew I had seen that fish before!  (I get around, I know a lot of fish!) Check out the markings!  Same exact fish!  I had …

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Youth Fishing Instructor Certification, Fall 2022


I have not mentioned this in a blog post in quite some time.  Want to get the word out: Game and Parks will certify youth fishing instructors Oct. 23 in Lincoln The Nebraska Game and Parks Commission will certify youth fishing instructors at a workshop Oct. 23 in Lincoln. Instructors are part of the Youth Fishing Program, a statewide team of volunteers and Game and Parks staff who host educational fishing events. The workshop will take place from 3-6 p.m. …

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Game and Parks awarded grant to conserve wetlands for at-risk species

The Nebraska Game and Parks Commission has been awarded a competitive grant to work with conservation organizations and private landowners to conserve wetlands on two parcels of land in south-central Nebraska. Conservation efforts will benefit the endangered whooping crane and the threatened eastern black rail, as well as common bird and wetland species. The two properties will remain privately owned and will remain in agricultural production, as nonprofit organizations work with the landowners to conserve habitat. The Nebraska Crane Trust …

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