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Hunt Testing Dogs

The hunt test world can give you a deeper understanding of your dog By Todd Mills The first real gun dog I’d ever owned cost me $50. A buddy of mine knew I’d been looking and knew of a litter with just one pup left. His recommendation and the owner telling me the puppies were born in a barn in the middle of January was all it took to get me to pull the trigger. Although I had no clue …

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Elijah – Finding Your Place

Lincoln hunter on a mission to reach underserved minorities in hunting and fishing Story and photos by Eric Fowler Some people live their entire lives searching for some place, any place, where they feel comfortable. It didn’t take Elijah Riley that long. Late in high school, when he picked up a bow and arrow and headed to the woods, is when he knew. “I felt like for a long time I didn’t know my place in the world,” said Riley, …

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Summer Checklist for Hunters

Summer is here. It’s hot. It’s humid. Tomatoes are ripening. Early ears of sweet corn are being harvested. Boating, swimming, tubing and fishing are being widely enjoyed now. But, wait a second. Hold on for a moment. For those of us who are avidly involved in the hunting lifestyle and its year-round process, summer means a myriad of things to do if we are to have a safe and successful fall hunt. I don’t know about you, but in summer, …

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The Time is Now to Get Permission to Hunt and Here’s How

Maybe it’s because I am a lifelong Nebraskan with deep farm roots and help my brother manage his farm. Maybe it’s because I am a person with an outgoing, assertive, talkative personality who thoroughly enjoys interacting with people. Maybe it’s because of what I do for living and my employer. Maybe it’s because I pride myself on being a legal hunter and an ethical one at that. Maybe it’s because I really work at it. Maybe it’s because I go …

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From Both Sides of the Door – Hunting Permission

Creating relationships with landowners can help you gain hunting permission By Ryan Sparks Growing up on a Nebraska farm, I was blessed with an abundance of land to hunt, but when I moved out of state, I learned the importance of creating relationships with landowners. Having been on both sides of the door — being the one knocking and also seeing what influenced my family to give permission — has provided me with a unique perspective. Here are my top …

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Tagged Out


I have a spring turkey hunting scrapbook.  That album of course has photos along with old permits on which notes about the hunts are scribbled.  Beards and spurs from birds taken are included.  The scrapbook is a great way to look back over 40+ years of Nebraska spring turkey seasons (Ruby Year). Did some looking back through the years this spring because I did something I have not done in a while.  I bought two spring turkey permits. At this …

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Tips for Gettin’ that Gobbler Later in the Season

We are in the latter part of the season for spring wild turkey hunting in Nebraska. Using a baseball analogy, it is the bottom of the 9th inning, your team is behind, the bases are loaded, there two outs and you are up to bat! I don’t think there is any doubt about it, spring wild turkey hunting late in the season is challenging. However, there are still plenty of gobbles to be heard and birds to be worked plus …

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Under the Pink Moon


I have noted in my blog many times before that spending time in the outdoors with friends and especially family is very important.  Have spent a lot of time in the spring turkey field with both my son and daughter.  We have enjoyed each other’s hunts as much as our own. Time never stops, and my kids are gone from home at this time.  Both of them now have their own spouses to share hunting adventures with.  That does not …

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Race Winner


Time for my first report from this spring’s turkey fields! If you have been reading my blog for some time, you know my attention in the spring gets drawn from fins to feathers–gobbling, turkey feathers.  Our Nebraska spring shotgun season has been open for over a week now.  You may also know that I like to take a casual approach to my turkey hunting.  Oh, I am focused on punching tags, but I like to enjoy the process and every …

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Turkey Time


It is that time of year again.  Spring!  The fish are biting, the ‘shrooms are popping, turkeys gobblin’.  I hate that I have to do anything this time of year other than spend time on the water or in the field!  So much to do, and so little time!  I wish I could completely clear my schedule! The urgency of it all, spring is only gonna last for so long, can put me in a poor state of mind.  You …

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