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Don’t Give Away All the Secrets


I have been reminded recently that I am far from being any kind of tech wizard.  But, I might have to learn how to do this: Hey, I think I know that spot! Some anglers will go to great links to keep their spots secret: Why? Well, because sometimes it feels like this: I don’t even know how to “practice gratitude” or “manifest abundance”.  Guess I will have to work on that too! When you do post pictures, just know: …

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State Record Update, Mid-2024


Have not posted a state record update for a long time.  There has been a good reason for that–nothing to update. Actually, I have had one new state record application since this spring.  I waited though because I was hoping there would be more.  Heard nothing about any other new state records for weeks.  That all changed recently.  Now there is more to tell you about. . . . Might as well take them in order. . . . Rod …

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More Access Notes


Last week I wanted to spread the word on projects that will impact access to a couple of our waterbodies this summer (Some Access Notes).  I am going to mention a more again today. I know you may have seen these releases already.  However, I answer lots of questions, and if I have learned anything it is that there is always someone out there who did not get the word.  So, I will always try to spread news and information …

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Fish Poses


I love fish pictures.  Seriously, show me your fish pictures, any of them, I will look.  I look at fish pictures all the time, every day. Oh sure, there are lots of nice fish, but just that, nice fish.  I will bet I have looked at a million pictures of 20-inch largemouth bass.  To be sure, those are nice fish, and in a northern state like Nebraska, they are photo-worthy, Master Angler-size fish.  I will look, but I have seen …

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Holiday Report


A couple of weeks ago, on my way out the door for the Independence Day holiday, I promised I would spend at least a little time on the water.  We always thoroughly enjoy our time with family over “the 4th”.  This year was no exception.  We spent a lot of time together and had a lot of fun. I am not going to tell you that I was able to sneak away and spend a lot of time fishing.  I …

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Some Access Notes

I have news releases about projects that will affect access to a couple of our waterbodies.  If you fish these waters, you will want to know: Tree removal begins July 16 at Hershey WMA A tree-removal project at Hershey Wildlife Management Area, which will boost angler bank access and improve access for controlling invasive and noxious weeds, will begin July 16 with completion in approximately one month. This project in Lincoln County will open the lake’s shoreline by mulching eastern …

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Spirit of the Shack

Flattered … Humbled … Thrilled … These are just a few words that describe how I felt with an unexpected, major award I recently received. Called “Spirit of the Shack,” this unique conservation award is a significant one in the world of natural resources conservation. Past award winners constitute a who’s who (prominent persons list) in the conservation profession. The “Spirit of the Shack” Achievement Award is given by the Midwest Association of Fish & Wildlife Agencies (MAFWA) to the …

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Biggest One Yet!


I cannot think of a single angler who does not get excited by big fish.  Big fish of one species or another, if not several, really “turn our crank”! Some of us continue the pursuit of big fish right through our entire angling career.  A new “PB” (personal best) is a cause for celebration.  Just like this: May it always be so! Oh, and a “trophy” is what YOU make of it!  And do not let anyone tell you differently. …

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Wet vs. Dry Wetlands

Take the time to appreciate wetlands even when they aren’t wet Story and photos by Ethan Freese If you’ve visited one of Nebraska’s many wetlands in the past year, there’s a good chance that you may have come across a landscape that was anything but wet. A dry wetland might be a discouraging sight if you’re a waterfowl hunter or birder, but wet and dry cycles are a natural process for many wetlands in the Great Plains, a region known …

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Aquatic Vegetation Treatment at North Platte Interstate Lake


Just got this news release and I want to spread it around.  Again, I know this is not a huge fishery and this will not affect a lot of anglers.  On the other hand, if this is one of your fishing holes, you will want to know: Invasive aquatic plants to be treated at Iron Horse Park Lake In 2022, Nebraska Game and Parks confirmed the presence of a hybrid variety of the invasive aquatic plant Eurasian watermilfoil in Iron …

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