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Barbs and Backlashes

Adventure Report, Mid-Summer 2022

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I have been “out” on a couple of trips in the past few weeks.  I got outta the eastern part of the state and into “real” Nebraska, back to the sandhills.  The trips were made to spend time with family and meet with co-workers, but you know the fishing gear went with me.  It always does! I did not necessarily spend a lot of time fishing, nor did I get to fish prime times.  I will always tell you the …

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Summer Fishing Tips


This news release went out recently; might as well spread it around: Tips to give anglers edge during summer heat in Nebraska Anglers can use all the help they can get in the heat of summer when fishing gets tough. They, and their baits, really are up against it. There is much competition in the water. Knowing when and where to fish can make all the difference for them. “Fishing gets tough in the summer because fish have so much …

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The Fish Sing to Me


I have always joked that one day I will learn to communicate with the fish.  The day that occurs, I am outta here, gone fishing, permanently.  If I suddenly quit blogging, you will know what happened. However, I suspect several of you have fish that already sing to you: Surprisingly, I do NOT have one of those hanging in my office.  By the way, that song is a great anthem for catch & release!  (I know, I have a one-track …

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Summer Catch & Release


Seems like mid-summer most years I end up posting a blog about catch & release and proper fish handling.  Going to do it again. . . . First of all, to those of you who think you can ignore this because you “catch all you can, and can all you catch”.  BALONEY.  Either by regulation or by personal choice, you WILL BE releasing at least some fish.  When you do that, you might as well do it right or else …

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25 Years, Aquatic Habitat Program


I mentioned over a month ago that this year was the 25th anniversary of our Aquatic Habitat Program.  I also mentioned at that time, that you would be hearing more about it.  Well, I have a video to share now: We have accomplished a lot in the past 25 years!  Without a doubt our fisheries, waters, anglers and all Nebraskans have benefitted! We are not done!  More work to do!

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Hype Tape


It is mid-summer.  It has been hot.  You might need a little motivation to go fishing: It is the weekend.  Do what you gotta to beat the heat, but don’t forget to spend some time on the water.  The fish are still there.  They will bite.  You ain’t gonna catch anything sitting on the couch!

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Pibel Lake


This is not a big deal, and it will not impact a lot of Nebraska anglers.  However, it will impact some and it will be important to them, so again, I am spreading the word. . . . Fish kill reported at Pibel Lake A fish kill at Pibel Lake in southern Wheeler County has affected a variety of sport fish and set back the size quality of fish in the popular fishing spot. Thousands of largemouth bass, bluegill, crappie …

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Happy Independence Day, 2022!


Planning on an extended weekend for this 4th of July.  So, I am dropping this blog today, and then will take a break for a few days.  Never fear, I will be back, sometime next week. Again a number of topics come around at the same time every year.  It is hard for me to think of anything new to say for Independence Day.  As with many of you, this is a big family holiday for us.  We will spend …

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Bordeaux Creek


I have some news about an Aquatic Habitat project and evaluation underway in the beautiful Pine Ridge of Nebraska: Stream renovation underway at Bordeaux Creek WMA Workers have begun a project to improve a stream and its banks at Bordeaux Creek Wildlife Management Area near Chadron. Brett Roberg, a Nebraska Game and Parks Commission fisheries biologist, said the project on Big Bordeaux Creek is expected to increase stream-angling opportunities, provide cleaner water and increase resilience to drought and flooding. The …

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Right Tool


Before I get to the point of this blog, let me post the disclaimer. . . . “My name is Daryl, and I have a fishing tackle problem.”  Yes, I have just as much fishing tackle as any, probably more than most. I had to laugh earlier this summer.  Driving down a street I saw a garage sale sign that said “Huge Selection of Fishing Tackle”.  Of course I had to drive by, in fact, drove by once, then turned …

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