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Barbs and Backlashes

News Item, McConaughy Boat Docks


I hope you do not think I post these news items on my blog just for filler.  I guess if you do, you can always choose not to read.  Whatever. Nonetheless, I learned a long time ago that no matter how much you publicize things, there will always be someone who does not hear.  I know this news release has been around for a few days; I am going to spread it around again, some more, especially with the stinkin’ …

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Good Night


Last blog post I gave a little run down of my fishing adventures this fall.  Oh, by the way, we still have open water and I ain’t done yet. I mentioned in that post that fall is my favorite open water fishing of the year.  There are a lot of reasons for that, but good opportunities to catch big fish rank near the top of the list. Also believe that the autumn provides some of the most gorgeous sunsets of …

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On the Water, Fall 2023


A week ago I gave a report on the hunting successes members of my family have had this fall (Family in the Field, Fall 2023).  I did that because I also love to hunt.  Unfortunately, as I mentioned at the end of that blog post, there is so much fish and game and so little time.  I would like to do it all, but just cannot.  I have however slipped out and chased roosters a couple of times this fall.  …

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Wanna Build a Fly Rod?


One of the beauties of the outdoor pursuits is that they are full of Do-It-Yourself opportunities.  I am betting most hard-core anglers at one time or another have fooled with making their own lures, sinkers, leaders, rods and more.  In some cases we start making our own not only because it is rewarding, but because it is better than what we can obtain off the shelves of the local sporting goods store. If you have thought about building your own …

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More Than One Way to Hold a Fish!


Friday, weekend is here, time to lighten up. Having said that, given people’s lack of humor, I am afraid I feel I must also post this disclaimer:  The following link and its subject are not meant as an endorsement of poor fish-handing techniques.  If you think I am being hypocritical, I have crawled up on the catch & release soapbox, and necessary best fish handling practices MANY times, Fish Handling, Good, Better, Best, You ARE Going to be Releasing Fish, …

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Family in the Field, Fall 2023


Starting this blog post with a disclaimer.  This particular post ain’t going to be about fishing.  If that bothers you, quit reading now.  However, I realize most of you also enjoy our great outdoors in many ways including hunting.  Yes, I love to hunt too, but admittedly end up spending more time on the water, even in the fall. What I really want to do with this blog post is continue with a theme that I mentioned before Thanksgiving.  A …

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A year ago now, I was already on the ice!  Over the Thanksgiving weekend last year, spent a bit of time with family pulling some fish through an ice hole! We caught some bluegills and largemouth bass that day, nothing big, but you can see we had fun!  A week or two earlier, my son had already dried off some nice pike through the ice! I am not a meteorologist and even if I was, I could not tell you …

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Thanksgiving 2023


Heading out the door for the long Thanksgiving holiday.  This Thanksgiving weekend will be unlike any others for our family.  Instead of traveling to “grandma’s house”, we will be staying home this year.  Family from far and wide will be coming to our town for the Thanksgiving weekend this year.  Yes, there is a special occasion for that. . . . My son will be getting married over Thanksgiving weekend this year!  We are excited! We are all really looking …

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Late Fall Access Updates


Again, by this time I know these news items are not going to be of interest to many.  But, on the chance that there are a few that would want to know, and knowing how long it takes word to get around. . . . Cottonwood-Steverson WMA boat ramp reopens after repairs The boat ramp at Cottonwood-Steverson Wildlife Management Area, located north of Hyannis in Cherry County, has reopened. The ramp underwent significant repairs due to the undermining, settlement and …

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One That Almost Got Away!

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Have something for the weekend to make you grin.  Admittedly, I found this making the rounds on the internet; suppose some of you might have already seen it.  If not, I am stealing it and sharing it here: That reminded me of this meme: I can tell the guy in the video knew what he was doing!  Yes, he knew how to snag his fish out of the gutter.  He also knew a great bait with which to do it!  …

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