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Barbs and Backlashes

Videos of Spring Fisheries Meetings


I know many of you were able to “zoom” in on one or more of our regional fisheries meetings a couple of weeks ago.  I know that even more of you have already discovered the videos that were posted and watched them.  Still going to mention this however, because I learned a long time ago that just when you think everyone has heard about something, you find out that is far from the truth. So, if you have not had …

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Tall Tales

Tomorrow is April 1, “April Fools Day”.  What would be a good blog post for that occasion? I thought about telling some unbelievable story, maybe sharing some doctored photo.  Sorry, I am hesitant to do that because on the ole interwebs you never know how some people will take things.  I have posted stuff like that before and had more than one person go off.  Apparently, pointy-headed fisheries biologists are not allowed to have a sense of humor. Warped as …

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Bass N’ Basics


I made a quick trip back to some of my old stomping grounds last weekend.  I was out there to attend a kid’s fishing event. Actually, it was more than that.  I was there to honor the founder and organizer of that event.  He is one of Nebraska’s best fishing sticks, and has done a ton to introduce kids to fishing and to mentor them.  I am talking about Kent Priel.  The Lincoln County Bassmasters and Nebraska Game and Parks …

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That Was Quick!


I know I just blogged about this a week ago, but this news release went out near the end of last week: Riverview Marina, Brownville Riverside Park boat ramps reopened The boat ramps at Riverview Marina State Recreation Area in Nebraska City and Brownville Riverside Park are reopened after several improvements were completed. The erosion at the base of the boat ramps has been repaired and rock riprap has been placed along both sides of the ramps to prevent future …

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Big Event


Big, big event this weekend.  In fact it is already happening.  No, I am not talking about the regionals of some big college ball tournament.  I am talking about the BassMaster Classic!  Follow the link and you can watch the action right here on the interwebs all weekend.  (That is assuming that you do not have something better to do like actually GO FISHING!) The way I understand it, the press conferences are going to be a little bit different …

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Depth and Speed


A week ago I blogged about a favorite discussion topic among anglers–lure or bait color.  Actually, I did not blog about it so much as stole my buddy, Greg Wagner’s blog post on the subject.  That topic generates a lot of interest among anglers.  I have blogged about it before. That got me thinking.  I will always tell you that you should worry about a lot of presentation variables before you worry about color.  Anglers tend to jump to color …

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Some Boat Ramp News


Got a news item today that will not affect many Nebraska anglers, but it will some.  In fact, I heard some questions can comments about these ramps at the Omaha Sport Show.  So, to spread the news, some of you will want to know: Riverview Marina, Brownville Riverside Park boat ramps temporarily closed for repairs Boating access improvements at Riverview Marina State Recreation Area in Nebraska City and Brownville Riverside Park will begin March 13. Boat ramps at those areas …

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Nebraska’s weather has done its usual March, Nebraska thing this week.  I say it is erratic.  That, and the cold water, makes this one of the toughest times of year to catch fish from open water.  On the other hand, if you can still get on the ice, late ice can be some of the best fishing of the year.  That is exactly why I hope every year for the ice to last as long as possible. But, assuming that …

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Purple with Pink Polka Dots


March can be a bit of a “‘tweener time”.  You know, the ice is too thin to walk on, but too thick to cast into.  The water may be liquid, but the weather is bad.  As a result, some of us sit and stare at our tackle boxes.  Or, we make a trip to our favorite tackle shop, walk the aisles and drop some $$$$$.  While doing that, I know what goes through your mind, “Wow, that looks like a …

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Fisheries Meetings, Spring 2023


Monday blog post and I usually try to highlight some news item.  Many of you may have already heard about this, but I am going to spread the word anyhow: Join Game and Parks in virtual discussion on fisheries in March Join the Nebraska Game and Parks Commission in a virtual discussion on fisheries management during meetings March 20-23. These four regional public informational sessions – one for each Game and Parks district – will provide local updates on the …

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