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Barbs and Backlashes

Ice Fishing Primer

Interested in getting into ice fishing?  Want to know what it takes to get started? We are hosting a “beginning ice fishing” workshop at the Outdoor Education Center in Lincoln this Thursday night, Dec. 11.  The Outdoor Education Center is located just north of Superior Street in north Lincoln, 44th and Superior. This will be a “classroom” workshop, so no, no hands-on ice-fishing this time.  We have some of those workshops coming later this winter, and we ain’t got enough ice …

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“Come A-Runnin’, Boys”

This is my blog; I try to keep in outdoors related most of the time.  But, you all know what has dominated the talk all around our state this week. . . . I am an University of Nebraska graduate, have a Bachelor’s degree in Natural Resources Management, Fish & Wildlife Management Option. More importantly, I am a Nebraskan born and bred.  Nebraskans are proud of who we are, where we live, what our state offers.  We may be small in …

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Thanksgiving Pheasout

My family and I got back “out west” for a long Thanksgiving weekend and we enjoyed every minute of it.  Yes, we spent a lot of time with family and in feasting, but we managed to slip outdoors a bit too. . . . You probably already have heard me tout the wide variety of hunting and fishing opportunities we have in Nebraska.  We ARE the mixed-bag capital of the world.  I love all of it, all of the hunting, fishing …

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News on the Aquatic Invasive Species Front

This news release went out recently.  If you use any of Nebraska’s waters for any purposes, you need to be aware of this: Invasive Zebra and Quagga Mussels Found in Two South Dakota Reservoirs LINCOLN – On Nov. 14, a single live adult zebra mussel was discovered attached to a boat dock at the Midway boat ramp on the South Dakota side of Lewis and Clark Lake near Yankton, S.D. South Dakota Game, Fish and Parks (SDGFP) staff inspected 11 …

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Black Friday

The day after Thanksgiving has become known as “Black Friday”.  It is a day when millions of shoppers hit the stores for the opening day of what has become our commercialized, gift-giving, Christmas season.  A day when thousands of soccer moms and urban dads who would never think of going afield to harvest any kind of living creature nevertheless prove that they are instinctively HUNTERS. . . . Think about it.  By the time the rush to the stores has started, folks …

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Thanksgiving 2014

Like everyone, I absolutely enjoy the time off that I have on holidays.  You can bet that I will spend some time in the field and on the water in the next few days.  Unfortunately, I believe it is easy for us to get caught up in the time off and not really think about the reason for it.  It also seems to me that in our pop culture we go right from the decorations and lights of Halloween directly …

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The Art of Fly Fishing

I am not sure where I found this, believe it was e-mailed to me, but I know it is good and I am going to recommend you check it out.  Orvis has a series of fly-fishing instructional videos they will e-mail you if you sign up, The Art of Fly Fishing . I am NOT some fly-fishing purist by any means, and I am not sponsored by Orvis.  My philosophy is that I want to catch fish and I will use …

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Tune In

My co-worker and buddy, Greg Wagner, usually blogs on Friday and mentions his weekly radio show which airs every Saturday morning on 1620 The Zone .  Greg has been busy at “deer camp” this week, so I want to mention it for him–tune in tomorrow morning at 9:00 a.m. central time. Greg’s show is always a good one because Greg is a wealth of information and he always has great guests (tomorrow’s guest might be a little “sketchy” but we …

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“Safety First”

I have been blogging about Nebraska’s outdoors, mostly about fish and fishing, for several years now, long enough to know that certain seasonal topics are repeated year after year.  When we have ice, I am going to be blogging about ice fishing.  I love to ice-fish and you can count on me blogging about it.  That also means that every year I am going to blog about ice safety!  I hope folks do not think I am being some kind of …

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Niobrara River Meetings

The Niobrara River has its origins just across Nebraska’s western border.  Other than that, it runs entirely within Nebraska’s borders and is without a doubt one of the state’s most unique and important natural resources.  Its hunting, fishing and outdoor recreation opportunities are among the best not only in Nebraska, but in the country. If you have not had the opportunity to experience any of those Niobrara River recreational resources, you need to, as soon as possible.  But even if …

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