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Barbs and Backlashes

Heroes on the Water

Want to give a “shout out” and some publicity to this great organization! Heroes on the Water Heartland Chapter Dates & locations are subject to change.  If you would like to join one of our events please email us at: HeartlandChapter@HeroesOnTheWater.org Or Join Us On Facebook https://www.facebook.com/HOWHeartlandChapter Chapter Coordinator: Adam Dresden Phone: 308-380-3394 2014 Proposed Schedule  May 17th: Season Opener, Armed Forces Appreciation Day, Cottonmill Lake Kearney, NE June 14th: Flag Day Big Event at Offutt AFB, Base Lake July …

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Happy Mother’s Day 2014

Sunday is Mother’s Day.  I have some pictures from my time in this spring’s turkey “woods” that I think mothers and others will appreciate.  Let me share some of them. There have been lots of early morning sunrises, some of them dewy. A person can follow a progression of wildflowers in Nebraska through the year.  This spring I have noticed as several small flowers finally peeked out.  I found this one high on a cedar ridge. I believe that is called …

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Turkey Camp 2014

Once again this spring I was asked to help with a turkey hunting camp held at Maranatha Bible Camp near Maxwell.  SkyQuest Outdoor Ministries hosts a couple of turkey hunting camps in Nebraska each spring, and I was one of the “locals” asked to help at their west camp.  The attendees this year came from Minnesota, Michigan and Iowa.  I was paired to hunt with Doug from Iowa and Randy from Minnesota.  Both gentlemen had killed turkeys before, and Randy …

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5 Things Every Turkey Hunter Should Have

I have been hunting turkeys for over 30 springs now.  That may or may not mean that I have learned anything about spring turkey hunting.  You will have to decide that.  I do know that I have some ideas about what I would consider to be critical equipment, “must haves”, for every spring turkey hunter.  Let me show you a picture of my Tom from last year, four of those 5 important pieces of equipment are included in this picture. …

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Spring 2014 Youth Fishing Instructors Newsletter

If you are one of our Youth Fishing Instructor volunteers, you have already seen this.  But, I want to post it for others to see and maybe it will prompt a few more folks to become part of the program, Youth Fishing Program. If you want to see a “cleaner” version, here it is, spring 2014 Newsletter. If you are already a Nebraska Youth Fishing Instructor volunteer, again, Thank You!  I know I have said that before, but there are …

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Day Off

Nebraska may be the only state in the union that recognizes Arbor Day as an official state holiday, but I am glad we do!  If you have not done it already, you need to go to Arbor Lodge sometime, see the mansion and grounds, and learn about the significance of this Nebraska holiday.  My buddy Randy Fox is superintendent there, tell him “Hi” for me. I will enjoy my day off, may not plant a tree, but probably will be …

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7-11 Gets Whacked

The turkeys are gobbling and I am not in the office much.  I do however have time to tell you some stories about recent success. . . . My family and I spent some time “back home” over Easter weekend.  We did all the family activities, and then spent as much time as possible in the field with the birds.  I am not going to tell you that we punched a bunch of tags, but my son Daniel did take …

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Back to Squeezing

I have to admit that my job duties have evolved over the years.  I do not get out to do a lot of field work anymore.  Most of my “field work” is done with a fishing rod in hand while I am off duty.  Every spring Fisheries Division employees are very busy with collecting fish and eggs, stocking fish, etc. etc.  Spring is one of the busiest times of the year.  Many of those efforts take extra man-power and it …

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