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Barbs and Backlashes



Please allow me to interrupt my usual subject material here on my blog. . . . It is turkey season and my mind can only concentrate on one thing at a time.  Right now it bounces back and forth between spring turkey hunting, mushroom picking and fishing. Every morning I hear the birds singing, they may not be turkeys and I may be in the middle of town, but as soon as I hear them, my ears are straining to …

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Jeffrey Reservoir Update


I again completely realize that I am “recycling” some information that has already been released and some folks already know about.  However, again I want to spread the word as much as possible and if you use Jeffrey Reservoir south of Brady you need to know about this: The Central Nebraska Public Power and Irrigation District (HOLDREGE, Neb.) – The Central Nebraska Public Power and Irrigation District is making preparations for a dredging project at Jeffrey Lake that will begin …

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Rather Be Fishing


I guess this past weekend was some masterful golf tournament or something like that.  I don’t know much about golfing; always figured it was for folks who did not fish.  Looks to me like well-known professional golfers playing in big tournaments would still rather be fishing. Water must have been pretty warm, or at least it better have been, he was jigging too fast for cold water. That “rod” was really stiff.  I prefer something with a little more action …

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Spring Crappies


There is no doubt that the fish species that can send the largest masses of anglers to the banks during the spring outbreak of fishing fever would be crappies.  Everyone loves to sit on a shoreline on a warm afternoon and experience a good crappie bite.  On the other hand, with schizophrenic weather changes, I can think of no other species of fish that can be more frustrating than spring crappies.  Consistently successful anglers are always adapting and adjusting.  What …

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Some News Items, April 11, 2016

Goose Lake WMA

I know there have already been news releases on these news items, but I like to highlight them again to try to get word around as well as possible.  Although believe me, I know that no matter how much something is publicized there will be someone who did not know when they needed to.  I took a phone call last Friday from a gentleman who had just pulled into the parking lot at Goose Lake and discovered it was closed. …

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It is Spring, and a Boy’s Thoughts Turn to. . .


I know it has been W-I-N-D-Y lately.  Typical for spring in Nebraska.  But, on occasion the wind quits blowing and I can stand on my front step, feel it in the air, smell it, and if I listen hard enough I am sure I can hear it. . . .There, there it is. . . . I know I just heard a turkey gobble. Now, I am stationed at our headquarters here in Lincoln, and I live not far from …

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“My What Big Teeth You Have!”


I love big predator fish.  Duh.  Of course part of that comes from the fact that they are just plain big fish, and what angler does not love big fish?  But, it is more than that.  I marvel at the big predator fish in particular because there is such raw power and mystique about them.  It is the same reason I believe that mink, bobcats, coyotes, wolverines, mountain lions, and great whites are such cool creatures.  There is a pure, …

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It Is That Time of Year, Again!


I hate to repeat “stuff” on my blog, but when talking about fish and fishing, a lot of what happens occurs seasonally, at about the same time every year.  For example, it is early April and that means the walleyes are spawning.  Oh sure, the exact timing of the walleye spawn will vary a bit from year to year, but photoperiod or the amount of daylight is an important cue for the walleye spawn and thus it occurs about the …

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Don’t Laugh!


By the look of the calendar, today is April 1, “April Fools Day”.  I would love to put an April Fools prank here on my blog, but I do not dare.  Once upon a time, I posted a spoof about an Olympic figure skater falling through the ice ON AN ICE RINK and that did not turn out well for her.  If she had just used her spud bar she would have been fine.  I know of another spoof involving …

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First Bass of Spring


There is no doubt that black bass, largemouth bass, smallmouth bass, spotted bass, are some of the most popular sport fish in North America.  That is true in Nebraska too, but do not make me pick favorites.  I love ’em all and have a lot of fun fishing for a variety of species of fish.  Nebraska is a great state for that!  However, I have a confession to make:  You may think less of me when I say this, but …

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