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Barbs and Backlashes

Get the Gaff–Out

When I initially wrote this blog post it looked like we were going to have a long and prosperous ice-fishing season.  Now, not so much. . . . However, this is something I still want to mention, something I want some ice anglers to think about; with some cold weather, you might be able to put this into practice yet this ice season.  If not, there is always next year. Gaffs are a tool that can be used to land …

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“Babe” Even Fishes Nebraska!

I found this on the internet, so I fully realize that many have seen this already.  I want to make sure the rest of you see it too. I know it is a full episode, 16-some minutes long, but I also know that some of you will want to watch all of it. . . . Our Game & Parks Commission’s personnel Colby Johnson and Darrol Eichner were both featured in that episode and did a really good job!  Nicely …

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Adventure Report, From the Water, New Year’s 2015

As I have said before, my “New Year” starts the first day I am on the ice.  The beginning of each new ice-fishing season is my “New Year’s Day”.  This year was a little unusual in that my “New Year’s Day” occurred on the actual New Year’s Day 2015.  There had been some ice-fishing in Nebraska clear back at Thanksgiving time, but all of that ice melted and we had to wait. Our first day on the ice, my son …

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Youth Fishing Instructor Newsletter, Holidays 2014

Yes, I am going to recycle some news for this blog post.  I fully realize that all of our Youth Fishing Instructors have seen this by now, and I know that some of the events mentioned have by now come and gone, but I think it is good to let others see this newsletter too.  It is good to let folks know what we have been doing and to tell them a little bit about the great folks that work …

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Ice anglers are a resourceful bunch.  There are way more and way better commercially-made products on the market now than ever before, but most of us still have to have at least some homemade “stuff” in our ice sleds.  Recently I saw this video on the internet and laughed out loud, this is taking it to a whole ‘nother level! The sound of an ice auger running is one of my favorite sounds! There is even a FaceBook page, Ice …

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Adventure Report, From the Field, January 2015

In recent weeks I have spent some time away from the computer, some time in the field and on the water doing a variety of things.  There is too much to tell in one blog post, so let me break it up and begin with a quick report from the field. . . . It will disappoint some of my fur-harvesting friends, but I have to honestly confess to you that right now I am a casual fur harvester.  My trapping …

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NEBRASKAland January-February 2015

Quick blog post today and I just want to call your attention to the January-February 2015 edition of NEBRASKAland magazine.  You can see that edition on-line right now, just click on the cover: As with every issue of NEBRASKAland, this edition is packed with lots of great pictures and great stories.  If you do not subscribe, you really should, Subscribe or Renew . Let me point out a couple of things in this issue that will be of interest.  First …

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New Ice-Fishing Technique

I have a new ice-fishing technique I want to try out this winter.  It is a European technique. . . . Looks a little cold, and probably hard on the hands.  Oops, I just remembered hand-fishing is not allowed in Nebraska.  Oh well. Have a great weekend everyone!  “I wanna ice-fish, baby”!

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Ice Fishing Clinics

Quick reminder, a handful of us hit the ice on Century Link Pond at Mahoney State Park yesterday, and this event is definitely ON! There was plenty of ice at Century Link, 7 inches yesterday and maybe more by now, so we should be good to go on Saturday.  Oh yeah, the fish were cooperating too! Plan to come out, plan to get on the ice, plan to fish, plan to learn and most of all, plan to have fun! …

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