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Barbs and Backlashes

2017 Fishing Forecast

I had a blog ready for today, but it can wait, because I know a whole bunch of Nebraska anglers will be waiting for this, hot off the press! 2017 Fishing Forecast Click the link, or click the cover, it will take you to the 2017 Fishing Forecast!  The “hard copies” will not be ready until around the first of the year, they are at the printer right now, but you can look on-line all you want! Let me add …

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A Trip to the Dark Side


There is a very interesting story in this month’s issue of NEBRASKAland.  It is a story that Jeff Kurrus wrote.  Let me tell you a little bit about Jeff. . . . Jeff is a Tennessee boy, hard-core fisherman, but he had a whole new world to experience once he moved to Nebraska.  I had done some “stuff” over the phone with Jeff before he moved here and started working for NEBRASKAland.  Naturally, as soon as he got here, he …

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Busiest Time of Year


If you are like me, your calendar is full of “stuff” to do this time of year.  I am trying get stuff finished up here at the office so I can get outta here so I can get other “stuff” done at home.  Ah, the holidays, don’t ya love ’em? Our family has been a little later with the holiday illumination this year; we have been waiting for my daughter to get home from college.  She’s home now, think I …

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Great Fall


As I sit here “blogging”, I am pretty sure my open-water fishing for this season is done.  Sure you could still find a few areas of open-water and dry off some fish, you can all winter long if you wish, but most Nebraska anglers are going to be hitting the ice soon, very soon. So, that means it is time for me to give a report on my and my son’s fall fishing.  In recent weeks I have showed you …

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Olympic Sport


Last winter I blogged about the world ice-fishing championship held in Europe, USA! USA! .  I am not going to tell you that I am completely familiar with international fishing competitions, but I know that at least some of them are quite different from what we have here in the United States. Some international fishing competitions, like the ice-fishing championship held last winter, are match-fishing competitions where teams compete, and anglers fish as teams.  In a match fishing format, anglers may …

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Some Not-So-Random Thoughts for the Weekend


Friday, a couple of weeks before Christmas, lots of things bouncing around in my head.  First, most importantly. . . . We Have Ice! By the time you are reading this there will have been fish pulled through the ice on Nebraska waters!  YESSSSS!!!!!!  This weekend most of that ice-fishing is going to occur in northern and western parts of Nebraska, maybe on some small waters in other parts of the state.  First ice is some of the best fishing …

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What Lurks Beneath?


I have some piles of data on my messy desk right now; I am putting stuff together for the 2017 Fishing Forecast.  It should be done and available near the first of the year, just like it is every year.  I will be sure to get the word out when it is ready. . . . Until then, I know that no matter how much I say or what data I show, nothing beats some pictures!  So, to tease you …

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Boat Decontamination Training


I know word on this is getting around because we have already had some interest, but I want to continue to spread the word some more: Game and Parks offers boat decontamination training LINCOLN – Operators of boat repair shops and marinas can play a vital role in the fight against aquatic invasive species (AIS). The Nebraska Game and Parks Commission is interested in providing these operators free training in watercraft decontamination procedures. With increasing concern about the spread of …

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Wehrspann Reservoir Shad Removal, Two Days Later


Lord knows the recent fisheries management work at Wehrspann Reservoir in west Omaha has been THE topic of discussion this week.  I want to add this update. . . . Our field biologists that did the treatment went back today to see how things looked.  As you can imagine they discovered hundreds of thousands of dead shad.  How many?  I cannot tell you an exact number or even an estimate.  But, there are photos floating around the internet and here …

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Gizzard Shad Removal from Wehrspann Reservoir


I wanted to blog about this today, waited for the news release to be published, and now am finally getting around to it after answering questions about it all day long! Gizzard shad targeted for removal from Wehrspann Lake LINCOLN – The chemical rotenone has been applied at Omaha’s Wehrspann Lake in order to remove gizzard shad. Gizzard shad are susceptible to a low dose of rotenone while fish such as largemouth bass, bluegill, channel catfish and crappie are less …

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