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Barbs and Backlashes

All Fish, All the Time

It is Friday, a quick “funny” before I head out the door. If you pay any attention to the Discovery Channel on TV, you know this week has been “shark week“.  Sharks are fish and I love fish, so you know what I have watched on TV this week, when I have had time.  However, I do not understand what the big fascination is with sharks? I am outta here, heading out to help with this tomorrow. . . . …

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Another New Fishing Hole!

Another long-awaited, new reservoir has opened for fishing!  Anglers grab your gear! Danish Alps State Recreation Area to open for public use LINCOLN — Danish Alps State Recreation Area (SRA) near Hubbard will open to the public  on Wednesday, July 8, at 9 a.m. The 746-acre area includes RV and tent camping, equestrian camping facilities, day use areas, a walking and hiking trail and excellent angling and wildlife watching opportunities. Kramper Reservoir, a 226-acre lake, was planned with shoreline fishing …

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Sun Glasses

I have not mentioned this in awhile, but a good pair of polarized sunglasses are a “must-have” if you spend a lot of time on the water chasing fish.  They will help you catch more fish, and they are a great piece of safety equipment too.  Here is a good video reminder: Buy the brand Al recommends in that video; I am sure they are good stuff.  I am partial to these myself, H3O sunglasses.  I have even been known …

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Happy Independence Day!

What family 4th of July tradition is our favorite?  Oh man, that is easy–FIREWORKS! We are heading out the door for the holiday, until I return. . . . Found this video on the internet.  If you love the 4th of July as much as I do, you will like this too. “The 4th” has been one of our family’s favorite holidays over the years.   I do not know, maybe we are just pyromaniacs.  Anyway, there have been no …

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One theme I continually return to, and one that some may get tired of hearing me repeat, is that of predator/prey relationships.  Often, when asked for the best place on a body of water to be fishing or the best bait to be using, I reply with a question:  What are the fish eating?  A basic understanding of predator/prey relationships is doubly important to anglers because we not only have to find the fish, we have to make them bite. …

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Angler Access Improvements

Quick blog post today; just want to again call attention to some angler access and aquatic habitat improvement projects that are underway–your angler dollars at work! Project to Improve Angler Access at Sandy Channel SRA LINCOLN – Anglers who fish at Sandy Channel State Recreation Area (SRA) in Buffalo County will soon have improved fishing access at three of the most popular lakes on the area. Lakes No. 2, No. 4 and No. 8 all have projects slated to improve …

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Hug an Angler

OK, this is a commercial about Colorado, I know it is hard for me too, but in spite of that, watch it, it is funny and it makes an excellent point! Now, let’s go beyond Colorado, and bring it home to Nebraska. There have been economic studies that have shown that hunting, fishing and outdoor recreation in Nebraska could be even bigger if we used some of our natural resources in a different way.  Yes, I am even suggesting that …

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Adventure Report, Close to Home

You all know that I love to travel Nebraska, fish the variety of waters we have, catch a variety of species of fish, and share that here on my blog.  I will continue to do that every chance I get.  However, life is usually a lot more routine than that.  I am not always traveling, am not always able to get away to one of the several waters I wish I could be fishing at the time.  No, just like …

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If you spend time in the outdoors, on the water, in the field, or in the “woods”, you have to marvel at the variety you can experience in nature.  Sure, there are patterns, tendencies, habits, cycles, but if you spend anytime at all “out there” you will encounter something from time to time that you have never seen or experienced before.  And that is one thing that keeps us going back, again and again. With that in mind, let me share …

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Carp On!

It is the weekend, time to have some fun. In honor of our Carp-O-Rama events coming up tomorrow at Branched Oak Reservoir and on July 11 at Maloney Reservoir, I have a spoof video to show you: Do not take any of that too seriously.  The guys that do those videos just like to have fun while they are catching fish.  That is what it is about!  Check out more of their videos, Uncut Angling.  They are entertaining and you …

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