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Barbs and Backlashes

What’s It Really Like Down There?


One of the biggest challenges of fishing is locating fish and understanding their behavior; that challenge is complicated because much of the time we cannot see the fish!  I am not a diver, cannot even swim very well, so I am fascinated by fish in aquaria, fascinated by underwater pictures of fish! A few weeks ago I referred to a blog and the website on which it was hosted, Engbretson Underwater Photography.  I love resources like that because they give …

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Can You Smell It?


Found a new “KVD” commercial recently: That reminded me of an oldie, but one of my favorites: I do believe that the more time an angler spends on the water the more of a “sixth sense” he or she will develop when it comes to finding and catching fish.  I cannot explain it, but sometimes you can just feel it, have an unexplained hunch about it.  Maybe it is not so much in the smelling, but then again. . . …

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Solar Eclipse


A few months ago I blogged about one astronomical phenomenon, Black Hole; upcoming events compel me to blog about another one now. . . . Unless you live, oh say, on the backside of the moon, you have heard something about a little shadow that will be racing across planet earth next Monday, August 21.  My buddy Greg Wagner has already published a blog post with all the details and hysteria surrounding this event, you should read it, Are You …

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Water Snakes


Someone called to my attention this headline on the internet a few weeks ago: Snake steals, eats fish caught by fisherman I read the story, thought to myself, “So what?”  However, I suppose to some journalist, and maybe to a bunch of city folks reading, that might have been sensational news! The story comes from Iowa, but the same snakes, common water snakes, are found throughout Nebraska, Nebraska Snakes. Having spent a bit of time around water, especially tromping along …

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Not Good News!

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I am afraid we need to spread the word on this as much as possible, as far as possible! Carter Lake listed as suspect for zebra mussels LINCOLN, Neb. – Microscopic young zebra mussels – or veligers – recently were detected in a water sample collected at Carter Lake by the Nebraska Game and Parks Commission. Since no adult zebra mussels were found, the lake will be listed as a suspect water body. If no adults or additional larvae are …

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Governor Does Family Fishing Night!


We hosted a Family Fishing Night at Holmes Lake here in Lincoln last week, and Governor Ricketts was able to make it out! Here are some pictures he shared on his FaceBook page, Governor Pete Ricketts. I had a family obligation of my own that evening, so I was not able to be there, but from what I heard everyone had a great time, including the governor!  And, I hear the bite was pretty good too! I know the calendar …

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Going Live, Again!


We did a “FaceBook Live” event back in June where I answered fish and fishing questions as fast as I could for thirty minutes, and then followed-up with some more on-line after that.  That event was well-received, so we are going to do another one!  Tune in to our Game & Parks FaceBook page at 1:00 central time, this coming Wednesday, August 9. Certainly we can talk about late summer fishing, but do not be afraid to ask questions about …

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Home Place


Going to go in a personal direction on my blog here again today.  Recently a cousin (second cousin actually, but who’s counting?) shared this photo on our family group FaceBook page: The adults in the photo would be my great-grandparents, the boy in overalls, second from the right on the running board would be my Grandpa, Oscar.  The photo was taken on the original homestead in western Nebraska.  A homestead that is still in the family! 150 Years of Ag: …

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Cool It!


Looks like we are going to catch a break from our mid-summer’s heat throughout most of Nebraska over the next week or two.  That is nice although I expect July and August to be H-O-T, hot.  Over the past few weeks, I have been out and about during what has been some of our hottest weather this year.  I know there have been more than a couple of afternoons when the only possible activity was sitting in air-conditioning or immersing …

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Fish Attractors


As a fisheries biologist I have had a bit of learning about science, enough to know that I will never know very much.  Given some time I can reference reams of information on a variety of topics, some more than others, depending on how much interest a particular subject has received from pointy-headed fisheries biologists.  The subject of aquatic habitat rehabilitation is relatively new, and to brag a little bit, Nebraska has been on the cutting edge with our Aquatic …

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