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Woman In Search of Long Underwear

New in Lincoln and a new job with the Nebraska Game and Parks has made me think about some new purchases.  Working in the Outdoor Education department one of the questions asked of me is do I have a good pair of Long Johns (aka Thermal underwear or long underwear) as I spent last Saturday outside at our Catching Fire Archery Event.  My answer of course was no.  I am the type that likes to spend most of the winter indoors with heat so I have had no need for such an item.  So started my journey for longing for Long Johns.  I started by looking at Wal-mart selection and decided that if I am going to spend money on Long Johns I want to know that they are going to work for my needs.   Know the question is what kind do I buy?  When deciding which brand or type is best fitted for my needs, warmth is only one of the considerations. Comfort and Price also play important roles.

The Underlayer
The Underlayer

Looking for Long Johns can be over whelming since they are come in many different types of fabrics such as cotton, polyester, flannel, wool or silk.  In addition, since long johns are available in various styles such as knitted or smooth textures as well as lengths and sizes such as ankle length or knee-length, it is important to compare which is the most comfortable for each individual. For my needs I would need thermal underwear made of durable materials such as wool, flannel, or silk (silk actually retains for body heat than flannel) since I will be spending long hours outdoors.  If you plan on spending more time indoors you might want to consider a lighter fabric such as cotton. I found that comparing different brands and styles was easiest on Amazon.com because I can read the reviews of others and decide on the prefect pair.  The prices on Amazon ranged from $15-$90.  I have a tiny budget so I will be purchasing the Duofold Women’s Mid Weight which is around $20.  They had great reviews and if they can keep a woman in Alaska warm hopefully they will keep a wimpy Nebraskan warm.

Alicia Knust
Outdoor Education

About Aaron Hershberger

Aaron "hershy" Hershberger is an Outdoor Education Specialist with the Nebraska Game and Parks Commission. He loves being outdoors. When not outdoors he is day-dreaming about being outdoors and/or whining that he is not outdoors. Hershy has been a Hunter Education Instructor, in two states, for nearly three decades & a Bowhunter Education Instructor for over 20 years.

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