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Tag Archives: Hunting

Summer Checklist for Hunters

Summer is here. It’s hot. It’s humid. Tomatoes are ripening. Early ears of sweet corn are being harvested. Boating, swimming, tubing and fishing are being widely enjoyed now. But, wait a second. Hold on for a moment. For those of us who are avidly involved in the hunting lifestyle and its year-round process, summer means a myriad of things to do if we are to have a safe and successful fall hunt. I don’t know about you, but in summer, …

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The Time is Now to Get Permission to Hunt and Here’s How

Maybe it’s because I am a lifelong Nebraskan with deep farm roots and help my brother manage his farm. Maybe it’s because I am a person with an outgoing, assertive, talkative personality who thoroughly enjoys interacting with people. Maybe it’s because of what I do for living and my employer. Maybe it’s because I pride myself on being a legal hunter and an ethical one at that. Maybe it’s because I really work at it. Maybe it’s because I go …

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Tips for Gettin’ that Gobbler Later in the Season

We are in the latter part of the season for spring wild turkey hunting in Nebraska. Using a baseball analogy, it is the bottom of the 9th inning, your team is behind, the bases are loaded, there two outs and you are up to bat! I don’t think there is any doubt about it, spring wild turkey hunting late in the season is challenging. However, there are still plenty of gobbles to be heard and birds to be worked plus …

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How to Spring Wild Turkey Hunt in Foul (No pun intended) Weather

Nebraska weather. Don’t like it? Wait a short while. It’ll change, maybe. Reality is rarely so kind. The Cornhusker State’s spring archery wild turkey hunting season is in full swing and soon the spring shotgun wild turkey hunting seasons will be getting underway (Youth – April 6 and Regular Shotgun – April 13). These seasons for turkey take place in the spring amid the ever-changing, ever-fluctuating, and sometimes unpredictable weather patterns and conditions we deal with here in Nebraska.  But …

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Spring Wild Turkey Hunting: Addiction, Obsession, Passion

Noted turkey hunter and outdoor writer Tom Kelly once wrote, “I do not hunt turkeys because I want to. I hunt them because I have to. I would, really, rather not. But I am helpless in the grip of my compulsion.” I completely agree! And the grip of my compulsion begins on March 25 with the opening of the spring archery wild turkey hunting season here in Nebraska. You know, some hunters describe spring wild turkey hunting as a cross …

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Late-Winter Scouting for Spring Turkeys in Nebraska

Don’t kid yourself, we are still in the chilly grips of winter. However, the length of daylight is increasing. Deer have begun shedding their antlers. Some sandhill cranes have arrived already along the Platte River in south-central Nebraska. It is calving season on ranches in the Nebraska Sandhills. These are all indicators that spring is just around the bend. For those of us who spring wild turkey hunt, our thoughts are drifting to the woods where we stake our blinds …

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The Value of a Good Hunting Knife

One of my (Greg Wagner’s) preferred hunting knives to use which was custom made by knife maker John Mulcair of Weston, NE.  You’ll notice that John formed the handle of this knife with a couple materials from one of my memorable, successful Nebraska spring wild turkey hunts. Photo by Katie Stacey/Nebraska Game and Parks Commission. There is no other piece of equipment or utensil needed to perform as many tasks, in as many ways, under as many conditions, as the …

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Tips for Late-Season Deer Hunting in Nebraska

It is the late period for deer hunting now and things can sure get tougher. In fact, things can even get tougher than they were during the regular firearm deer hunting season. After all, the rigors of the rut are pretty much over. But don’t put away your gear! Hear me out. I want to use a football analogy that many of you who hunt deer will understand when it comes to the late-season. For a football team, it is …

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Regulation Reminders and Important Info for Waterfowl Hunters

The holiday season is upon us and it’s filled with many hunting traditions as family and friends get together, especially in waterfowl hunting blinds. For most of us, hunting is about much more than a successful harvest. It’s about spending time afield bonding with family and friends, watching the sunrise over a river wetland on a crisp morning or watching the sunset from a harvested cornfield on a warm, windy, brisk evening, plus having exciting stories to tell when you …

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Family in the Field, Fall 2023


Starting this blog post with a disclaimer.  This particular post ain’t going to be about fishing.  If that bothers you, quit reading now.  However, I realize most of you also enjoy our great outdoors in many ways including hunting.  Yes, I love to hunt too, but admittedly end up spending more time on the water, even in the fall. What I really want to do with this blog post is continue with a theme that I mentioned before Thanksgiving.  A …

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