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Which One are You?


I watch a lot of guys on the ice every winter.  Often I wonder what they are doing.  The other day I watched one unload, walk to his favorite spot, drill three holes, set up his pull-over, fish for an hour, pack up his stuff, walk back to shore and leave.  I am sure he caught his limit: For the record, I retired the tipups that I had since 1995. But you gotta laugh, tipup guys all do the same …

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On Ice, Jan. 2023

Quick blog post today; just want to give a little report on what I have been seeing on the ice.  Yes, ice fishing 2023 has been good, have been on the ice quite a bit so far this season.  Mostly I have been fishing small waters, pits and ponds.  There is no real reason for that, no real strategy.  It has just worked out that those are the waters I have fished the most.  Actually, my new year did start …

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Searching for Spotted Skunks

And How Nebraskans Can Help By Alie Mayes, Community Science Specialist What’s black and white, and does stinky handstands when frightened? Why, the eastern spotted skunk (Spilogale putorius), of course! It’s not surprising if you’re not familiar with the eastern spotted skunk – or spotted skunk — as the rare mammal has not been reported in the state since 2017. In fact, there have only been four confirmed sightings of the spotted skunk in Nebraska since 2009, all in the …

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Ice Fishing Clinics


We have a full slate of ice-fishing clinics scheduled for this month.  The first of those is coming up this weekend: Space is limited for the classroom clinic, and we usually have a full house.  If you want to be there, I would highly recommend you register ASAP.  We will start simple, basic, for the classroom session, but then we can go as deep as you want to go (pun intended).  There will be folks there who know, bring your …

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The calendar says this is the first week of a new year.  I guess some folks like to commemorate the occasion by making resolutions.  I have always thought that whole practice was kind of silly.  If you want to do something different with your life, why wait until the calendar says January?  Just “Get-R-Done”! However, if you take your fishing as seriously as I do, you may want to set some goals.  The best part about setting goals for your …

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2023 Fishing Guide


The “hard copies” will not be back from the printers for a while yet, but you can see the 2023 Fishing Guide HERE. Here are the changes you will need to know: Anglers must be aware of fishing regulation changes for 2023 Anglers need to be aware of fishing regulation changes in Nebraska that take effect Jan. 1, 2023. The Nebraska Game and Parks Commission’s changes to 2023 fishing rules are: No Live Baitfish Waters – Crystal Lake (Adams County), Wagon …

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It is bowl season.  I love college football.  Of course the Huskers are my greatest love, but when bowl games are on, I will watch just about anyone, even Iowa.  Some games are between nameless teams in nameless places where they do not experience winter.  I suppose the break from snow and cold might be nice for some folks, but does anyone really want to get all that sweaty while playing a game?  In addition, there will be players go …

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Ice Bass

A couple of winters ago I posted a blog about catching largemouth bass through the ice, Largemouth Bass on Ice.  There is no doubt that largemouth bass are warm-water fish.  However, northern strain largemouth bass are very capable of being quite successful in northern places like Nebraska.  As a matter of fact, those warm-water largemouth bass can remain quite active during the winter, under the ice. My approach to catching largemouth bass through the ice used to be one of …

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Merry Christmas

I have been “out” more than “in” the past couple of weeks, and that will be the case for the next week or so as well.  Just want to quickly touch base here with my blog and wish you all a Merry Christmas! You might think that was the Christmas tree we had here in the Fisheries office.  Actually, it is what one of our brush pile fish attractors looks like below the surface of the water.  Happy fish, we …

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Don’t Stunt


The December issue of Nebraskaland has a one-page story by Jeff Kurrus, Don’t Stunt.  Yes, Jeff spent some time in my office talking about the story.  Yes, Jeff quotes me in the article.  If you have been reading my blog for a while, you will recognize the subject matter, again: I have said before, will again now.  I have seen far more panfish populations that suffer from the effects of over-harvest, than I have seen in less numerous, larger, predator …

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