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Barbs and Backlashes

It Is Spring and Spawning Is In The Air

In the past few weeks I have blogged about some of the springtime field work that occupies the fisheries staff of the Nebraska Game & Parks Commission (e.g. Piking, Easter Egg Hunt).  I cannot tell you everything our fisheries workers are doing, just know that spring is a very busy time.  But, I do have another activity that I want to tell you about. . . .We have crews on the Missouri River collecting broodstock pallid sturgeon as well!  Even …

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Youth Fishing Instructor Newsletter, Spring 2015

If you are one of our youth fishing instructors, you have already received this.  If not, that is OK, the rest of you can read it too! Here is a cleaner, sharper version if you would rather read this, Spring 2015 Newsletter . And once again let me put out the plea:  We can always use more help, get involved, Become a Youth Fishing Instructor.  For those of you who have already joined the ranks, THANK YOU!

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Secrets Exposed

Some of you will recall my blog post from a week ago about taking quality fish pictures, Hero Shot. Today I must come clean and admit my fish-photo secrets have been revealed. “Busted!” Never fear, you can have your own “fish fingers“. Have a great weekend, everyone!

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Easter Egg Hunt

It is that time of year again and Nebraska fisheries workers are on their annual Easter egg hunt–for walleye eggs.  If you missed this, here is the official news release: Game and Parks Commission to begin Walleye Egg Collection LINCOLN — The Nebraska Game and Parks Commission plans to begin collecting adult, spawning walleyes in late March. The Commission plans to collect approximately 76 million eggs to meet the 2015 stocking requests. Anglers should be aware that Game and Parks …

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New Reservoir

It has been long-awaited, but if you go to the Papio-Missouri River Natural Resource District’s website you will find this news! Prairie Queen Recreation Area Opening Set for March 31st I have often said that I wish all reservoirs built 30+ years ago were built the way we can build them now when given the chance to partner with a dam-building entity like the Papio-Missouri River NRD.  Simply put, reservoirs can be built with water quality, fish, anglers, and aquatic habitat in …

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Fishing Stereotypes

It is Friday and time for a little fun. . . . I joke this time of year that the weather gets nice and everyone considers themselves to be a fisherperson.  Folks that may not pick up a rod & reel the rest of the year have an undeniable itch to go fishing when we get a nice, warm, spring afternoon.  That is great! What kind of a fisherperson are they? How many of those different stereotypes have you met? …

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Hero Shot

A few weeks ago I posted a picture of my son with a very nice, 36-inch pike he pulled through an ice hole this winter.  I put all of my blog posts on my FaceBook page too, and there a friend was giving me a bad time about the “hero shots” and holding fish closer to the camera to make them look bigger.  Another friend chimed in and said something that I thought was profound; I want to share it …

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Open House

If you are in the area and can make it to this meeting next week, we would love to have you! Commission to Host Meeting on Valentine-Area Projects LINCOLN – A public informational meeting will be held in Valentine on March 26 to discuss several planned improvements for fishing, boating and angler access in the area. The Nebraska Game and Parks Commission and U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service will host the meeting at the Niobrara Lodge, 803 E. U.S. Highway …

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I have three large oak trees in my yard.  When I am up on the roof cleaning gutters or raking 16 tons of leaves, I sometimes mumble unpleasantries about those trees.  But then every once in awhile, and it has happened frequently the past few weeks, after dark, I hear an unique call outside.  It sounds like this: On occasion the kids and I can shine a flashlight up into one of those trees and even spot the little screech owl …

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Last weekend I was informed, sort of anonymously on the inter-web, that I was a fine, lazy state worker.  Ironically, that came after working my seventh weekend out of the ten since the first of the year.  I recalled that yesterday when I actually got out of the office to help with some field work.  I do not do that often anymore, but on occasion I get to be back on the water helping one of our field biologists.  The occasion yesterday was …

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