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First Snow

With the season open few things can compare to the joy a pheasant hunter feels when he or she wakes up to a landscape covered in a few inches of fluffy snow – especially the first such event of the season.  Those of us truly addicted to chasing-the-cackle do our darnedest to be in the field on these special mornings and for some this past weekend was when this glorious happening occurred.

Gabe admires a late season rooster
Gabe admires a late season rooster

For some reason the first snow of the season seems to confuse the birds for a short time and they can revert back to holding tight for dogs and hunters in hopes of the danger passing by.  However, this doesn’t last long as the snow can become crusty and the birds are always quick in learning to cope with the changes.

Shirking our other duties my brother and I headed to a couple of nearby spots for a quick hunt to take advantage of the fresh powder.  We were not disappointed.  Within 10 minutes and 30 yards of the truck my brother’s young springer put the first group of pheasants in the air.  A couple moments later the next group was taking wing – then the next.

Chasing roosters in the snow can be some of the most rewarding hunts of the year for the upland bird hunter.  The pheasants are still out there – are you?


About Aaron Hershberger

Aaron "hershy" Hershberger is an Outdoor Education Specialist with the Nebraska Game and Parks Commission. He loves being outdoors. When not outdoors he is day-dreaming about being outdoors and/or whining that he is not outdoors. Hershy has been a Hunter Education Instructor, in two states, for nearly three decades & a Bowhunter Education Instructor for over 20 years.

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