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Tag Archives: spawning behavior

Courting Bluegills

Bluegills are one of the most widespread and common fish in Nebraska. They are also one of the most interesting. This time of year most anglers know it is not hard to find colonies of spawning bluegills.  A patient person can catch some of those fish.  Patience is required because the males guarding the nest are much more interested in guarding and herding a willing female onto the nest than they are in biting.  Nonetheless, if you can hover a …

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Brook Trout Spawning


Almost every fish in Nebraska waters spawns at some time during the spring.  That can occur from early, early spring all the way through summer.  So, yes, I am stretching when I use the word “spring” to describe the timing of that reproductive activity. However, that wording is correct because they do not spawn in the fall. With two exceptions. . . . Brown trout and brook trout in Nebraska are fall spawners.  Yes, we do have populations of both …

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Catfish Rut


A couple of weeks ago one of my many fishing contacts suggested that there are a lot of misconceptions about the spawn period for our big three catfish species, blue, channel and flathead.  He thought that might be a good topic for a blog post and I agree with him! Our large catfish species in Nebraska are definitely warm-water fish.  In fact, they are some of the slowest-growing fish in our waters because they are warm-water fish, and we are …

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Tuxedo Time


There is no doubt that crappies are a popular fish in the spring.  They can be relatively easy to catch, accessible to every angler, even those fishing from the shore, and tasty on the table.  Given some warm spring weather, which we have finally seen the past few days, and folks are out to catch crappies.  But, there are a lot of misconceptions about crappies in the spring, and clearing some of those up might help you catch even more …

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Freeze Up, Again


Got an interesting photo from one of our “fish squeezers” on the water already this spring. . . . We do not have a large request for pike stocking in Nebraska waters this year, but we do have some.  So, that means crews venture forth as soon as the ice is out to set nets to capture spawning pike.  Only problem is, sometimes after those nets get set, it re-freezes.  That means someone has a lot of ice to chop! If …

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Fifty Shades of Flathead


OK, you have to understand that biologists tend to think about things a little bit differently, maybe even a little bit warped.  Subjects and discussions that may be uncomfortable or turn the stomachs of some can be lunch break conversations for biologists.  For example, we tend to be fascinated by the mating habits of this species or that species–it is how the species is perpetuated, how life continues.  I have something interesting about fish mating habits to share in this blog post …

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It Is That Time of Year, Again!


I hate to repeat “stuff” on my blog, but when talking about fish and fishing, a lot of what happens occurs seasonally, at about the same time every year.  For example, it is early April and that means the walleyes are spawning.  Oh sure, the exact timing of the walleye spawn will vary a bit from year to year, but photoperiod or the amount of daylight is an important cue for the walleye spawn and thus it occurs about the …

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It is Spring, and Spawning is in the Air, Well, Maybe in the Water Anyhow


Spring is upon us, no doubt about that.  We will have some schizophrenic “ups” and “downs” in temperatures yet, we do every spring, but there is no doubt that it is here.  This is the time of year that many anglers get “spring fever” and hurry to get on the water.  On a warm afternoon, who can resist? You will hear a lot of talk among anglers about spawning activities of a variety of fish this time of year.  Some …

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Fall Colors, Above and Below

Nebraska truly has a great diversity of fall colors to see from one corner of the state to the other.  This year it seems to me that our fall colors are a little late; we have had a relatively wet year and so far a mild fall.  Every year is just a little bit different.  However, there are some other fall colors that are right on time. . . . Almost all Nebraska fish spawn in the spring and summer. …

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