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Tag Archives: Nebraska boating

There’s no excuse for not wearing a life jacket on the water!

It bothers me to no end that people have such cavalier excuses regarding why they don’t want to wear life jackets on the water in a boat. For instance, this year, with higher water conditions, faster currents and more debris in the water, why would you even think of not wearing a life jacket if you’re planning on boating (where there are not flood watches or warnings)? I just don’t understand it! What excuses are you going to give us? …

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Go Boating on Radio Show

Herb Angell, who’s heads the Nebraska Game and Parks Commission’s Boating Law Enforcement Section, drops by my Great Outdoor Radio Show on Saturday morning to talk about various boating-related topics and of course, water safety, for the big 4th of July holiday weekend and the entire summer. Here’s Herb on boat patrol in the Missouri River! You’ll find our Nebraska boating discussion to be light, conversational and very informative. One of the key boating safety messages we’ll be emphasizing is for you, to: …

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Boating: The Way We Were

The quiet boating times of the early 1900s are almost impossible to imagine today, their last vestige being yellowed and dog-eared photo postcards from a time when men wore straw boater hats and women wore long white dresses, when boating was nearly as silent as the photographs of it. In those days there were two means of propelling most boats in Nebraska – an oar on the starboard side, an oar on the port side. The only sound was a …

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Try Kayaking on Channel 6 Outdoors

See how much fun kayaking is and why you and your family should try it this summer on my Weekly Outdoor Report airing on Omaha’s WOWT-TV/Channel 6 and online at www.wowt.com LIVE Thursday evening at 6 p.m. CST during the station’s sportscast. Remember, if you are unable to view the live broadcast of the outdoor report, video replays of it can be seen after the initial cast at this link: www.wowt.com/sports The report can also be accessed on Digital Channel 6.2 …

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It’s All About Boating on The Great Outdoor Radio Show

Herb Angell, Nebraska’s Boating Law Administrator and Chief Boating Enforcement Officer, drops by The Great Outdoor Radio Show Saturday morning to talk about various boating-related topics and of course, safety, for the upcoming season on the water. Herb will be kicking off National Safe Boating Week which runs May 18-24. I’m sure Herb and I will address the fun and popularity of kayaking, too! The Great Outdoor Radio Show I host is presented by Mahoney State Park and is produced …

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