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Tag Archives: fishing humor

Don’t Give Away All the Secrets


I have been reminded recently that I am far from being any kind of tech wizard.  But, I might have to learn how to do this: Hey, I think I know that spot! Some anglers will go to great links to keep their spots secret: Why? Well, because sometimes it feels like this: I don’t even know how to “practice gratitude” or “manifest abundance”.  Guess I will have to work on that too! When you do post pictures, just know: …

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Fish Poses


I love fish pictures.  Seriously, show me your fish pictures, any of them, I will look.  I look at fish pictures all the time, every day. Oh sure, there are lots of nice fish, but just that, nice fish.  I will bet I have looked at a million pictures of 20-inch largemouth bass.  To be sure, those are nice fish, and in a northern state like Nebraska, they are photo-worthy, Master Angler-size fish.  I will look, but I have seen …

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Color Commentary

Found this video somewhere on the interwebs.  I got a laugh out of it: Gotta admit, watching bass fishing on TV would be even better if Morgan Freeman was doing the color commentary! Hope you get on the water this weekend.  Hope you catch some fish, and hope you take some time to laugh (even if it is at yourself).  Hope you do not take a lure to the booty!

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Gonna Have to Get One!


Been seeing this commercial on TV recently: Apparently, carp fishermen are one of their big target audiences?  Or should I say big carp fishermen are one of their targets? Anyway, the commercial got my attention and I love it!  Gotta admit, one of those watches could come in handy!  I would imagine it works with other species of fish too? Hope you catch a big flopping fish to hug and take pictures of this weekend.  And notice, it was released!

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Fish Flop Friday

Proper fish handling is a topic I blog about frequently.  With the significance of catch & release in all fishing now, handling fish so they have the maximum chance of survival is imperative. The thing is, fish are slimy.  They can also be very lively and strong when being handled.  All of that can result in some awkward moments when no matter our good intentions, the fish end up doing something else. That can create some instances when you just …

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Go Fish, Now


We are well into May now.  It is time to fish!  I will tell you generally, May and June are two of the best months for open-water fishing in Nebraska.  I do not care what species you like to catch, which waters you like to fish–Do Not Pass “Go”, Do Not Collect $200, Just Go Fish!  Now! Sure gather as much information as you can get.  But, you really do not need to fish for fishing reports.  Make your own: …

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It Is All in Your Head


If you have been paying any attention at all to modern sportfishing, you know that forward-facing sonar is THE latest, greatest technology.  There are all kinds of debates ongoing about what this powerful technology means for the sport and for our fisheries.  I am still trying to decide exactly what I think about it. I will tell you that I have always believed that the most important tool any angler can have is the one between their ears.  The mental …

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Better Go Fishing

From what I am hearing, you better go fishing this weekend.  Things are getting a little tense at the tackle shop: Seriously, I know it is “spring” and we all have the itch.  Also know that it is very early spring and just this week our weather has been erratic.  That is going to happen about 136 times in the next couple, three months.  We all want to be on the water hooking fish, and are getting tired of wandering …

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Minnow King


Saw a new commercial I like.  Like many of the best ones, this is a Rapala commercial: “Anything to drink?” “Water!” Bwaaaaahahahahaha! If you are like me, you sometimes need to catch up with the latest and greatest products and lingo.  Yes a Ned BLT is needed too! We have open water in most of the state.  I have no recent catches to tell you about, but I am hearing a few reports!  Wait for a warm afternoon and get …

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