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Tag Archives: fishing commercials

Better Go Fishing

From what I am hearing, you better go fishing this weekend.  Things are getting a little tense at the tackle shop: Seriously, I know it is “spring” and we all have the itch.  Also know that it is very early spring and just this week our weather has been erratic.  That is going to happen about 136 times in the next couple, three months.  We all want to be on the water hooking fish, and are getting tired of wandering …

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Hype Tape


It is mid-summer.  It has been hot.  You might need a little motivation to go fishing: It is the weekend.  Do what you gotta to beat the heat, but don’t forget to spend some time on the water.  The fish are still there.  They will bite.  You ain’t gonna catch anything sitting on the couch!

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Time To Get Outta the Office!

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Holy Cow!  I look out my window right now and the sun is shining!  Seems like we have had nothing but cloudy, damp, and cold, forever! I think this calls for drastic action! Naturally Mike would tell you to go catch a bass, should be a good day for that, but it could be a pike, walleye, trout, crappie, catfish, whatever. . . . I know this much for sure, THIS AIN’T SPREADSHEET WEATHER!  Take his advice, stop what you …

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Happy Halloweeney, 2017


Found something funny/scary on the inter-webs.  Thought it was appropriate for today! https://youtu.be/-f2b5J7_1mo Can’t they hire an actor that at least knows how to hold a spinning rod?  However, the choice of bobbers was spot on! “Trick or Treat” and GO FISH! Our house will be the one handing out Snickers (not really, we’ve got Gummi Bears).

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Big Fish from the Sky!


This week has been the week after the Super Bowl.  The game was fantastic, certainly one of the best ever, so there has been a lot of talk about actual football.  In addition to that, and after many Super Bowl games, there is as much talk about the commercials as the actual game.  So, on the topic of TV commercials, it has been awhile since I posted a good fishing commercial.  Here is one I saw recently that I kinda …

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“It’s All in the Pause”

Finally found another funny fishing commercial to share with you heading into the weekend. Of course it is a Rapala commercial. . . . I love fishing suspending crankbaits, In Suspense.  They are a very effective bait that work in many different fishing situations.  There was a time when I had to “doctor” my own baits to make them neutrally-bouyant; I am thrilled there are so many versions available commercially now.  The new ShadowRap is a little different bait, a …

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Following the Super Bowl, which I thought lacked in creative commercials, I was lamenting to my family that I had not seen any good fishing commercials this year either.  I have thought that many of the Rapala commercials over the years have been particularly creative and entertaining. Then I got an e-mail with this video.  I think they are taking a different path this year. . . . That is pretty gutsy, calling the shot.  We will see how that …

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Whiney Girlfriend

This has been floating around the internet again, I might as well post it here too.  You might have already seen it, but it is so funny.  Anyway, this stupid commercial comes from Nitro Boats, http://www.nitro.com/ . You gotta admit, her outfit did match the boat! Have a great weekend, hope you get outdoors and get a little peace and quiet.

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Some of you will probably remember the old Ugly Stik commercials featuring angler’s wives.  I had all of those commercials in a “long play” version and they were even better than the 30-second spots that ran on TV.  Unfortunately, my links to those long play versions have gone bad, except for this one. . . . [youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wHr_raJmnYA[/youtube] Wow.  I guess there are some wives out there who have some real issues. Maybe they should just go fishing? By the way, …

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