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Tag Archives: Fish

Freshwater Drum: Not a Trash Fish

I watched closely as the guy excitedly reeled in the fish he had hooked from a local sandpit lake in eastern Nebraska. Upon landing it, I heard him dismally say: “Oh man, it’s a damn drum, that’s a trash fish, I gotta throw this back.” At this point, I walked over to the man and casually said: “Hey, that’s a nice freshwater drum you’ve caught. Did you know those are good eating if you prepare them right?” “Are you kidding …

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Why Wear Rubber Gloves When Handling Fish?

I continue to be called bad names for wearing them. Most recently, I was called a “super wimp” for having them on my hands. I have been labeled an “inadequate angler” since I have donned on them. I have been told that my “bravado” and “edge” have been lost when it comes to fishing because I am handling fish while wearing rubber gloves. Ah yes, THOSE GLOVES. People have also had their curiosity piqued by those of us who wear rubber …

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Out-of-the-(Tackle) Box Tips for Catching Channel Catfish

“Dang, I thought I had a big bass! Hey, it’s a big channel cat.” The channel catfish (Ictalurus punctatus), Nebraska’s official state fish, sometimes gets misunderstood, particularly it seems, by those who exclusively fish for bass and walleye. Catfish, especially the channel cats, have a reputation as bottom feeders that just lazily swim around sucking up stinky, dead stuff from the bottom. And that is not entirely true! I asked Chris Pokorny of Elkhorn, NE, who’s among Nebraska’s most avid …

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Ice Fishing: 10 Tips I Learned

Ice fishing. Tis’ the season for it. I sure enjoy ice fishing but admittedly I don’t do much of it. I don’t quite have all the equipment needed for it. So, I guess you would consider me an amateur ice angler. Nevertheless, when there’s an invitation to go with seasoned veterans of the hard water fishing lifestyle for a day, you can bet that I will jump at the opportunity. Such was the case a couple years ago in January …

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2021 Nebraska Fish Art Contest open for entries

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LINCOLN, Neb. – Students in kindergarten through 12th grade can discover the outdoors by participating in the second annual Nebraska Fish Art Contest. The 2021 contest, which is sponsored by the Nebraska Game and Parks Commission, Wildlife Forever and Bass Pro Shops, is accepting entries through March 31, 2021. Enter at statefishart.org. This free international art and writing competition gives young people the opportunity to highlight their artistic talents while learning about fish, fishing and aquatic conservation. Participants can win …

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The life of a baby bass

This time of year is great for exploring and discovering nature’s wonders that can go unnoticed when we don’t take time to slow down. On a recent afternoon walk around a pond, I noticed a huge school of baby bass swimming along the shoreline, hiding in the aquatic vegetation and, off in deeper water was a large, adult male bass working hard to ward off possible predators of this swarm of babies. After watching for several minutes, I had to …

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Reel Therapy: Fishing!

The COVID-19 pandemic has affected all of us in one way or another. We have been staying at home for the most part with trips pretty much only being made to the grocery store, gas station or nearby trail for exercise. One activity though that has been very popular in Nebraska throughout this unprecedented time: Fishing! Recreational fishing is a legitimate outdoor lifestyle activity solidly rooted in science. Fisheries conservation and management balance the needs of people with consideration for …

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Ice-out is good time for pond owners to check for winterkill

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LINCOLN, Neb. – Private pond owners across Nebraska should check for fish that may have succumbed to winterkill now that those ponds should be devoid of ice. Winterkills typically occur in small, shallow ponds with abundant aquatic vegetation. “Snow and ice covering a pond prevent the water from exchanging oxygen with the air,” said Jeff Blaser, private waters specialist with the Nebraska Game and Parks Commission. “Excessive snow and thick ice allows little sunlight penetration, so plants are not able …

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A Special Community Fishing Night

You and your family are invited to come join us at a special Game and Parks Community Fishing Night at Lake Halleck in Papillion, NE this Tuesday night, July 16 from 6 to 8 p.m. Come, get some fresh air, sample some Dutch oven cooking and find out how easy and fun fishing is! Hungry sunfish await you! We at Game and Parks will be hosting the event. We will be furnishing loaner fishing tackle and bait as well as …

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Stocked Trout: Fun to Catch, Taste Great, Very Healthy to Eat

They strike often. They fight hard. They are easy to clean and cook. They are wonderful to eat and they have tremendous health benefits! They are stocked trout in Nebraska waters. A major asset along with many of its excellent qualities as a cold-water game fish is the fact that few foods are as nutritious as a stocked trout from Nebraska waters! And, get this: Tens of thousands of 10-12 inch rainbow trout are being stocked when the weather, conditions …

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