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Tag Archives: Fish

Scallion and Ginger Baked Walleye

walleye recipe

A French technique called “en papillote,” this walleye dish is cooked “in parchment” paper. Fish gently cooks in these parchment packets, creating their own steam and staying moist. Allow each guest to open up their own packet at the table. The aromas that fill the room will be a fun surprise. If you don’t have parchment paper on hand, then heavy-duty foil would work just as well. The vegetables listed below are only suggestions. Use whatever greens and herbs you …

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Sighthunting for Fish

sight hunt fish

If you can see them, this is how you catch them. The old fishing adage I grew up with of “If you can see the fish, you can’t catch the fish” followed me most of my fishing life until I found myself on a lake in Minnesota watching gigantic, black blobs swim back and forth through the water. My fishing partner and I made repeated casts toward these blobs, knowing they were smallmouth bass, only to have them ignore every …

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Purchase 2018 permits beginning Nov. 1

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LINCOLN, Neb. – Busy schedules around the holidays can make it easy to forget to purchase Nebraska Game and Parks Commission permits for the new year. Nov. 1 is the time to start buying 2018 annual hunting, fishing, fur harvest and park permits. While buying a permit for yourself, consider purchasing one as a holiday gift for a friend or family member. These permits are valid Jan. 1-Dec. 31, 2018. Age and residency restrictions apply to some permits. Stamps also …

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Big Catfish Manifesto

Never in my outdoor life have I ever endured so much negativity, so much criticism, and taken so much flak for an action. It all was the result of a photo and video I shared recently on my personal social media accounts. Both were of a large, master angler-sized flathead catfish that I caught in an eastern Nebraska sandpit lake and then duly released back into it. Here are the photo and short video clip shot by my fishing partner, Rich Berggren of Waterloo, NE. Alright, I know what you’re thinking: “Nice fish, good job on the release,” …

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Release Big Catfish Unharmed

Why do some people get perplexed when they see someone release a massive, master angler-sized catfish? After all, catfish, even the larger ones, sure taste good, don’t they? So why is it every time we see an angler report or a social media post mention or show a picture of a large catfish they have put back in the water, a spirited discussion most likely ensues over what should or should have not been done with that whopper? So how …

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Bauer on Radio Show

It’s time for a summer visit on radio with the guru of the finned creatures — Mr. Daryl Bauer of the Nebraska Game and Parks Commission! Get your Nebraska fish and fishing questions answered by Daryl LIVE on this week’s Great Outdoor Radio Show. I sure wouldn’t miss this! Daryl is a fisheries biologist and the fisheries outreach program manager here at the Nebraska Game and Parks Commission. He joins you Saturday morning on my show that airs from 9-10 a.m. CST on Omaha’s KOZN Radio/1620 AM “The Zone.” Daryl is always …

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Niobrara River Meetings

A few weeks ago I encouraged you to attend one of the four Niobrara River meetings that were held across the state recently, Niobrara River Meetings.  I was able to attend the last of those meetings last night here in Lincoln.  Believe me, I am aware that December is a busy time and folks may not have been able to attend one of those meetings.  If you were not able to make it, you can still see most of what was …

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Paddlefish Stocking in Central Nebraska Canal System

This past week the Nebraska Game and Parks Commission stocked 990 paddlefish at Gallagher Canyon and Midway Canyon Reservoirs located south of Cozad. The twelve-inch paddlefish have been stocked in efforts to offer anglers a chance in central Nebraska to be able to snag or use bow and arrow on mature paddlefish. “We hope to establish a sufficient population so that a season can be implemented similar to that on the Missouri river,” said Dave Tunink, Assistant Administrator Fisheries Management …

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Chat with Daryl Bauer on Great Outdoor Radio Show

Get your Nebraska fish and fishing questions answered LIVE on this week’s Great Outdoor Radio Show by the popular guru of the finned creatures – Mr. Daryl Bauer! Daryl is a fisheries biologist and the fisheries outreach program manager here at the Nebraska Game and Parks Commission. He joins you Saturday morning on my show that airs from 9-10 a.m. CST on Omaha’s KOZN Radio/1620 AM “The Zone.” Daryl is always very informative and entertaining! Don’t hesitate to call in and ask fisheries-related questions of  him on Saturday morning! …

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Nothing to Carp About

The nice spring weather here in Nebraska this weekend was certainly nothing to carp about and neither was the fishing action today along one of Nebraska’s water trails — the Elkhorn River as well as in a nearby backwater pond! My buddy Andre and I took his eight year-old daughter Isabelle fishing on her Uncle Mark’s land. She had a blast catching carp using whole nightcrawlers! Even I landed one. It was just great to be outside and enjoy fishing with Isabelle and Andre. Remember, whenever there’s an opportunity to take a …

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