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Tag Archives: family

Holiday Report


A couple of weeks ago, on my way out the door for the Independence Day holiday, I promised I would spend at least a little time on the water.  We always thoroughly enjoy our time with family over “the 4th”.  This year was no exception.  We spent a lot of time together and had a lot of fun. I am not going to tell you that I was able to sneak away and spend a lot of time fishing.  I …

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Happy Independence Day!


Heading out the door for a long “4th of July” holiday! Will be spending lots of time with lots of family.  We will feast and celebrate in many ways.  You can be sure we will burn some gun powder, probably a few fingers, laugh, and thoroughly enjoy every minute of each other’s company. I promise, I will try to slip away and spend some time on the water too! Have a great holiday, be safe, enjoy your time with family …

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Aunt Jeanene


Going to make a blog post of a personal nature today.  However, it again will touch a theme that I return to often–family. I have an aunt that is celebrating a milestone birthday in the next few days.  No, I am not going to say exactly how many years that might be.  I am not stupid. Nevertheless, it is a time to celebrate, and my Aunt Jeanene is well-worth the celebration!  I do not know that I can tell you …

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Thanksgiving 2023


Heading out the door for the long Thanksgiving holiday.  This Thanksgiving weekend will be unlike any others for our family.  Instead of traveling to “grandma’s house”, we will be staying home this year.  Family from far and wide will be coming to our town for the Thanksgiving weekend this year.  Yes, there is a special occasion for that. . . . My son will be getting married over Thanksgiving weekend this year!  We are excited! We are all really looking …

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Green Apples and Ladybugs


The fourth of July, or more appropriately, Independence Day, has always been one of our family’s favorite holidays.  As a matter of fact, for many of us, I would go so far as to say it is our most favorite holiday.  I suppose there are a lot of reasons for that, summer weather and long days, food, boating, parades, water fights, float trips, music, demolition derbies, and a whole lot more.  I am pretty sure most of all it is …

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Columbus man wins boat in Take ’em Fishing challenge

LINCOLN, Neb. – Freddie Leibhart’s mom introduced him to fishing when he was young. Now, the Columbus man is doing the same for his children. Better yet, he now can take them fishing in the new boat he won as the grand prize in the Nebraska Game and Parks Commission’s Take ’em Fishing challenge. “I know she’s really going to like hearing that she passed the love of fishing on to me, and I’m doing the same with my kids,” …

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Happy Independence Day!


Like many of you, I am finishing up a few things and heading out of the office for a long Independence Day weekend!  The “4th of July” has always been one of my family’s favorite holidays, and this year will be no exception.  Yes, we LOVE setting off fireworks, but there will also be parades, feasting, maybe some time in the water cooling off, and in between all the family activities we usually put in a little time on the …

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Adventure Report: Thanksgiving Combo


Took an extra day off over the long Thanksgiving holiday and missed the weather and bad roads coming home.  Need to catch up with another blog post. . . . I “called my shot” a bit last week expecting that I would spend some time both hunting and fishing with family over the long weekend.  We feasted, played games, enjoyed the time together and yes, hunted and fished. It always feels good to go for a little walk after the …

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Home Place


Going to go in a personal direction on my blog here again today.  Recently a cousin (second cousin actually, but who’s counting?) shared this photo on our family group FaceBook page: The adults in the photo would be my great-grandparents, the boy in overalls, second from the right on the running board would be my Grandpa, Oscar.  The photo was taken on the original homestead in western Nebraska.  A homestead that is still in the family! 150 Years of Ag: …

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“Here Fishy”


This little video is something else that I saw floating around FaceBook recently: https://www.facebook.com/smartrcandfishing/videos/664826067054566/ Actually, I had a cousin who “tagged” me and called my attention to that video.  I replied to him, that upon seeing it, I immediately thought of my Grandma Bauer! Andy said that is exactly what he thought too! I do not know how young I might have been, but I can remember sitting on the shores of Lake McConaughy, fishing, we were always fishing, and …

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