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Flora & Fauna

Bald eagles break nest record again in 2016

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LINCOLN, Neb. – In 2016, a record 159 active bald eagle nests were documented in Nebraska by the Nebraska Game and Parks Commission and its partners. It was the third consecutive year the number of nests has broken the previous year’s record. Bald eagles were on federal and state endangered species lists as late as 2007 and 2008, respectively. The species has gone from a nonexistent breeding species in the state to one that is relatively numerous in less than …

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Care about and Contribute to Nongame Wildlife

We see them everywhere in Nebraska. They are readily spotted in our yards, acreages, farms, ranches, parks, wildlife management areas and various other places. We see a variety of them when we are hunting, fishing, trapping, hiking, biking, camping, picnicking and participating in other outdoor activities. They are “nongame” wildlife species. They number in the thousands and are not hunted, trapped, fished, harvested or collected. They are birds, mammals, fish, mollusks and crayfish, reptiles, amphibians, insects, and plants. And, they …

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Commission Invites Landowners to Discuss Pheasant Opportunities

Rooster pheasant

ALLIANCE — The Nebraska Game and Parks Commission is inviting landowners in the northern Panhandle to discuss their roles and opportunities for pheasant management. The public meeting will be 7 p.m. Monday, Jan. 23, at Newberry’s, 104 West Fourth Street, in Alliance. The Commission will share information about the Berggren Plan, a five-year initiative aimed at improving the pheasant hunting experience in Nebraska. Attendees also will learn about a variety of conservation programs and incentives available to landowners within the …

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Big game meetings Jan. 18 in Elkhorn, Jan. 19 in Wilber

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LINCOLN, Neb. – The Nebraska Game and Parks Commission will hold a big game informational meeting Jan. 18 at 7 p.m. at the Elkhorn Eagles Club, 20276 Wirt St. The public is invited. Commission biologists will begin with a presentation on deer management. Other wildlife management topics will be discussed as time allows. Another big game meeting will be held Jan. 19 at 7 p.m. at Wilber’s Sokol Auditorium, 315 S. Wilson St. That meeting will be streamed live on …

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Join Game and Parks for Eagle Viewing Days at Lake Ogallala

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LINCOLN, Neb. – Watch bald eagles soar or feed on the ice of Lake Ogallala during Eagle Viewing Days each weekend in January. The Nebraska Game and Parks Commission will host the event at the Lake Ogallala Eagle Viewing Center, located below Kingsley Dam. A park naturalist will give a presentation at 9 a.m. and noon each Saturday and Sunday in January. The presentation will be followed by open viewing of the eagles and crafts for the kids. Coffee and …

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Allie’s Outdoor Resolutions

It’s that time of year again. The time when we look back and reflect on all that we managed to accomplish in 2016. The time of year when we are already dreaming of warmer days ahead and what 2017 will bring. It’s the time of resolutions. If you are the outdoorsy type like me, you may share in some of my new years’ resolutions. 1) Improve my orienteering skills I know that the sun rises early in the East and …

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Support wildlife conservation in your holiday giving

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LINCOLN – Consider supporting Nebraska wildlife and habitat conservation in your holiday giving this year. Since 1984, tax-deductible donations to the Nebraska Wildlife Conservation Fund have helped the thousands of nongame species that call Nebraska home. Your contribution will assist the Nebraska Game and Parks Commission in protecting species like the swift fox, northern river otter and peregrine falcon through research, habitat restoration, public awareness programs and more. Donated dollars have a big impact, since Wildlife Conservation Fund dollars are …

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Late Season Roosters: Pinch, Post and Follow the Dog!

With the calendar flipped to the final month of the year it is safe to say we are in the late season of upland bird hunting.  And though many of the easy-roosters are already nestled in hunters’ freezers, some of the most exciting and memorable bird hunts are about to unfold. Late season to me means small groups of three to four hunters plus a couple of dogs.  This size can efficiently utilize some post and pinch strategies with minimal …

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An Open Letter to My Grandson on His First Birthday

Well, my grandson, Jackson Edward Wagner, turned one year old on Monday, November 28, 2016. I have written him a letter. It is my hope that someday he will read this letter and understand why he is so treasured by me and the value of the sage advice his wise, old grandfather has offered him. November 30, 2016 My Dearest Jackson, It’s been a year since I held you in my arms at the hospital and had that extraordinary feeling …

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Deer Season Isn’t Over

Your deer season in Nebraska doesn’t have to end on the 3rd Sunday in November.  There is so much more time left to get out and fill the freezer and maybe even continue the pursuit of the buck you’ve been dreaming about. Permits for the December Muzzleloader Season are unlimited.  There are several units that have Seasons Choice Antlerless Only permits available, too – which is good news for those that have already bought their two “buck permits”.  Additionally, those …

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