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Barbs and Backlashes

Hung Up

As you are reading this, I am “out of the office”.  I warned you a week or so ago that I was contracting full-bore spring turkey hunting fever and would be out as much as possible in the coming weeks.  Right now I am helping with a turkey hunting camp at Maranatha Bible Camp out on my old “stomping grounds” near North Platte, http://www.maranathacamp.org/index.htm .  Stay tuned, I am sure to have some stories to tell and pictures to show …

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Turkeys Down! Kids Score!

Nebraska’s spring turkey season has been in full swing for awhile now, time to give you my first report! My kids and I started doing some scouting a couple, three weeks ago.  I will always tell you that in my opinion the key to being successful taking spring gobblers is not expertise on the calls, fancy decoys, or the ability to reach out and stick ’em with an arrow or hit ’em with a load of shot at ranges longer …

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Youth Fishing Instructor Newsletter, Spring 2013

If you are one of our youth fishing instructors ( http://outdoornebraska.ne.gov/education/programs/youth_fishing/ ), I imagine you probably have already seen this.  For the rest of you, there is a lot of information here you might be interested in as well. To all of our volunteers, I have said it before, but want to say it again, THANK YOU for all you do!  Much of what you see listed in this newsletter would not get done without your help!

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This has nothing to do with fish, nothing to do with Nebraska for that matter.  But, I found this video and song on the internet someplace, and it was a nice, 3-some minute break in the middle of my day, I hope it is for yours too.  I know a lot of the footage was taken in the fall and winter, but there is some spring and summer footage too. Take a break, watch it, have a great weekend!  Get …

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I realize Nebraska does not spring to mind when anglers think of the top fishing destinations on the continent.  I realize even more that it does not rank high on the list of places to go catch the “king of North American freshwater sport fish”, the muskie. Maybe that is a big mistake????? Yep, now you are thinking that “homer” Daryl has really lost it–suggesting that Nebraska has good muskie fishing.  Well, Nebraska is home, and I will always tell …

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Reservoir Updates

I have a couple, three news items about Nebraska reservoirs.  None of them are long but I need to get this information out. . . . Conestoga Reservoir Just a quick heads-up for anglers and boaters who might want to use Conestoga Reservoir this spring.  That reservoir is found west of  Lincoln, between the towns of Denton and Emerald, and there has been some ice damage to the boat ramp. There will be at least one section of ramp that …

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We now interrupt this blog to bring you the spring turkey season!

This will be the last season my daughter can hunt the youth spring shotgun turkey season.  I am going to savor every minute because I am going to miss it.  In my opinion the youth hunting seasons have been one of the best ideas “we”, the Nebraska Game & Parks Commission, have ever had.  This week of youth shotgun spring turkey season is some of my favorite hunting every year.  It is so nice to be able to concentrate on …

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A Big Bass Quest

A little over a year ago a fishing buddy of mine began asking some questions about which public body of water in Nebraska would give him the best chance to catch the biggest largemouth bass of his life.  Knowing where he lived, I instantly had an answer for him. I teased you with this last Friday, and I realize by now some of you have already seen this, but for those of you who have not, you are going to …

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Pool Demo!

This event is coming soon; put it on your calendar! Don’t tell me that you ain’t a muskie angler, whatever.  That’s OK; if you show up for this, I will guarantee you that you will learn something about the way various baits behave in the water and I will guarantee that you can apply that to your walleye fishing, bass fishing, etc., etc.  Besides that, it will be a lot of fun! While you are at it, you might even …

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