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Barbs and Backlashes


I fully realize our spring turkey season is over, officially closed on the last day of May, and I know most have been done hunting for a long time now.  In this world of “what’s new, what’s next?” no one wants to read about that old news.  But, I have some thoughts rattling around in my head and I need to put them down in writing.  You can read them too if you want. . . . I spent a …

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“Trashellunge” Revisited

I hate “litter bugs”.  If I see another styrofoam worm container on the shoreline of one of my fishing spots, I am going to scream!  I have used the word “pig” before to describe folks who discard all manner of trash in our environment and especially around our public fishing areas.  I probably should not call ’em “pigs” because that is offensive to real pigs.  If I had my way, discarding trash of any kind on our public hunting and …

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Good Advice

Had a cousin, actually first cousin once removed although I do not know what she was removed from, but I digress, anyway she shared this with me and I think it is pretty good advice, especially for a weekend! Oh, do NOT think that fly-fishing is just for trout!  Right now would be one of the best times of the year to use that fly-rod to catch some Nebraska bluegills!

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Adventure Report, May 2014

Many of you know that the last month has been a difficult one for me.  If you did not know, my Dad was battling cancer since last December.  Although he never was in a lot of pain, he just lost all strength and vitality and passed away about sunrise on May 18.  As you can imagine, his condition and trying to be there for him and Mom have occupied a lot of time in the past few weeks.  But, as …

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Family Fishing Events 2014

The Memorial Day holiday is past, all of summer lies ahead!  I know we have already had some Family Fishing Events, but the schedule really ramps up in the coming weeks! Here is the .pdf of the same poster if you want to see a “cleaner” version, Family Fishing Poster 2014 11×17 .  Be sure to check out the Family Fishing Webpage for more information.  These events are being held in a number of communities across the state, check out the MAP. …

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Whiney Girlfriend

This has been floating around the internet again, I might as well post it here too.  You might have already seen it, but it is so funny.  Anyway, this stupid commercial comes from Nitro Boats, http://www.nitro.com/ . You gotta admit, her outfit did match the boat! Have a great weekend, hope you get outdoors and get a little peace and quiet.

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Bit Off More Than She Could Chew

I have a couple of interesting pictures to show you.  This is a 26-inch walleye recently found at Johnson Lake. Here are a couple of other views: Obviously that walleye “bit off more than it could chew”.  Walleyes are predator fish, no doubt about it.  I have made the point before that predator fish may try to eat anything that will fit in their mouth.  Unfortunately, they can get something in their mouth that is a little bigger than will …

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“Pound for Pound. . . “

The May 2014 edition of NEBRASKAland magazine is available on-line right now: As always there is a variety of “stuff” and I do not care who you are, you will find something in there that will interest you.  If I may, let me point one out:  On page 38, Jeff Kurrus has an interesting article titled Pound for Pound, Fighting Nebraska’s Fish.  In that story you will find a species by species breakdown of different Nebraska fish, their anatomy and …

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Wear Your Life Jacket to Work

Some of you are looking at the title of this blog post and thinking to yourselves that I am crazy.  For the record, I am, crazy that is.  Secondly, there are times where I literally do wear my life jacket to work! But more specifically today, May 16, 2014 is National Wear Your Life Jacket to Work Day! This annual event, hosted by the National Safe Boating Council (NSBC) serves as a fun, educational way to kick off National Safe …

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Spring Wipers

You all know I am a huge fan of In-Fisherman and all of their products.  Their system for catching fish flat out applies to every water you fish, everywhere–including Nebraska!  As a matter of fact, their editors/writers have fished Nebraska waters, many times.  Most recently, you need to watch this segment from their TV show; it was filmed on Lake McConaughy and it will apply to wiper fishing anywhere you fish!  Follow this link to watch it, McConaughy wipers .

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