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Barbs and Backlashes

Fall Trout Stockings 2014

I have had a lot of phone calls, e-mails and messages asking about our fall trout stockings, and I have been telling folks that when we knew we would let everyone else know.  Well, here it is! First a “disclaimer” or two:  The schedule for these stockings depends on a lot of man-power, fish, and equipment logistics.  There are 52 water bodies in the list that follows, 75-some thousand catchable-size rainbow trout, and personnel and equipment from at least two fish …

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It’s a Fish Eat Drum World!

One thing I love about my job is I hear a lot of fishing reports and fish stories.  I never get tired of them, especially if there are some pictures to go along with them.  One hit my computer yesterday, and I have to share it with you.  In fact I will do some editing, but let you read the message that Tyler E. sent to me: Howdy Mr. Bauer, I thought you might find this interesting.. My friend Seth …

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“Grass is always greener”

A fishing buddy once told me, “I would venture that both your head and backside remain trimmed in your line of work”.  Boy, some days that is so true.  In fact it is so true that I saved the quote. Our mission here at the Nebraska Game & Parks Commission is stewardship of the state’s fish, wildlife, park, and outdoor recreation resources in the best long-term interests of the people and those resources.  Our fish, wildlife, park and outdoor recreation resources …

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Rat and Beaver

I hate to keep hitting the same topic over and over again.  I know I blogged about the Lake Yankton renovation a couple times in recent weeks (Lake Yankton Renovation ,  Lake Yankton Renovation, Postscript), but I want to tell you about another rotenone renovation that Nebraska fisheries biologists completed recently. Late summer and early fall is definitely “renovation season”.  Typically, water levels are lower at that time of year and less water means we need less rotenone to treat the volume …

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The Roosevelt’s

Every now and then on my blog, I swerve into a little “class”, even on a Friday.  Today might be one of those days. I am not a huge history buff, but I have tried to take in The Roosevelts on public TV this week.  This is another series on American history done by Ken Burns.  He has done series on the Civil War, the Dust Bowl, Baseball, and our National Parks to name a few.  Ken Burns’ films bring …

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My son caught and released a relatively big, 45-inch, Nebraska muskie over a year ago.  It was a trophy fish by anyone’s definition and Daniel wanted a mount of her.  Just recently the graphite reproduction of that fish was completed and delivered.  Here is what the fish looked like when he caught her: And here is what the mount looks like: I am pretty sure Daniel is really happy with the mount.  I know I think it looks great! Let me …

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Lake Yankton Renovation, Postscript

A couple of weeks ago I blogged about the Lake Yankton Renovation.  That fisheries management project went off on schedule last week in spite of cool and rainy conditions.   Right now I want to show you a few pictures of dead fish because it demonstrates exactly why we do rotenone renovations, why we eliminate all fish in a body of water, and then re-stock. It is somewhat ironic that fisheries biologists would purposely, intentionally kill fish, but that is …

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It’s the Weekend, GO FISH!

I know we have had a lot of rain recently.  In fact we have had so much rain in some places that our fishing waters are running a little high right now.  Anytime the water is high, fish are likely to move right up into newly flooded areas, right to the water’s edge. . . . In some cases right up into the parking lot. One of the best times of year is upon us, you can hunt or fish right …

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Late Summer Adventure Report, 2014

It may destroy my reputation, but I will admit to you that I have not been on the water a lot in recent weeks.  Yes, it has been the “summer doldrums” and frankly, there have been some other issues in life that have taken priority.  But, I have been able to spend a couple evenings on an interstate lake lately and I want to give you a quick report. I have mentioned this a couple of times this summer, but …

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Lake Helen

I will tell you that I wish that Nebraska had more water for fishing and outdoor recreation.  Since we do not, I believe it is extremely important that we maximize every opportunity, every resource we have.  In some cases we have water bodies that are not large, do not support tens of thousands of anglers, and may not produce boat loads of trophy fish.  But, I learned a long time ago that even those small water bodies, many of them community …

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