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Nebraska Outdoor Education Center

I’m Ross Young and I am an outdoor cooking, basic pistol, and archery specialist at the Nebraska Outdoor Education Center (NOEC) in Lincoln.  The education center has taken on such an important role for Game and Parks and I am proud to be a part of what is taking place at the facility.  I love being able to pass on the traditions I learned as a child.

I fondly remember spending summers with my parents, at the lake in our little Coleman tent.  There I learned the value of our natural resources and the importance of wildlife conservation. I didn’t know at the time just how important those lessons would be to me today.  I now have the opportunity to pass on those values and passion while spreading the heritage of the North American Model of Conservation.

Here at NOEC, we spend our days creating ways to teach youth and adults how to get outdoors by  providing a whole lot of lessons on outdoor skills including the shooting sports.  Programs like the National Archery in the Schools Program (NASP), Explore Archery and Junior Olympic Archery Development (JOAD) have introduced thousands of people to archery.  First Steps Pistol and our introductory shooting programs for youth, educate novice and non-shooters alike to gun safety, responsible firearm ownership – as well as the fun of sending lead downrange.

The center hosts lots of Learn to Hunt workshops, outdoor skills classes and clubs teaching everything from surviving in the wild to hunting for mushrooms.  These programs have shown people that outdoor skills, archery and shooting are not just for hunters.

Come visit me at NOEC this year and take part in one of my classes.  In fact, I challenge you take advantage of everything we have to offer this spring and summer.  Check us out!

Ross Young, Educator
Nebraska Outdoor Education Center

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