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State Record Update, Late Summer 2018

Been awhile since I have given an update on the state record applications that have crossed my desk. . . .

It has been the time of year when we see some activity for underwater spearfishing state records, so let me start there:

The first to cross my desk was a bigmouth buffalo speared by Mike Ban from Colorado.  Mike was diving on a private sandpit in Dawson County when he speared his 30 pound 7 ounce buff.


Mike’s fish more than doubled the old underwater spearfishing record for bigmouth buffalo, a record that had been on the books since 1997.

On the first of July, Ryan Malo from Cheyenne was diving on Lake McConaughy when he took a 16 pound 2 ounce wiper.


Later in July we had a new underwater spearfishing state record taken for river carpsucker.  This fish was also speared at Lake McConaughy and weighed in at 8 pounds 12 ounces.


You might recognize the diver, he is Ryan Reynolds from Lexington.  Ryan put his name in the underwater spearfishing record book last year with two fish, an alewife and a muskellunge.

Finally, I have one rod & reel state record to tell you about.  If you have followed my state record updates, you know our tiger trout state record has been progressing upwards the past few years.  Tiger trout are a hybrid that does occur rarely in the wild, but in recent years our Nebraska State Fish hatcheries have grown these fish and stocked them in a number of Nebraska waters.  Naturally, with more tiger trout available, our rod & reel state record has been growing with the passing of time.  That record exceeded 3 pounds for the first time earlier this year (State Record Update, June 2018).  Now it has gone even higher; Don Musser of Tryon caught a 22 1/2-inch, 3 pound 15 ounce fish on August 19.


Don was fishing the canal near Paxton and I am pretty sure I can see part of a nightcrawler hanging from his line.  His fish puts the tiger trout rod & reel record near four pounds; I am betting we have not seen that record top out yet.

Of course I have heard the usual stories and rumors of fish that supposedly were going to be new state records.  I never get too excited about those reports until I see some real evidence.  I can tell you I saw a picture of one that would have easily been a new underwater spearfishing state record, but it was not certified.  Heard stories of a couple of other potential rod & reel state records; one was going to have his fish verified by a fisheries biologist, but I never heard another word.  I speculate that fish maybe was not as large as originally believed?

Mistaken identity is another reason supposed state records do not pan out, and I know of one of those this summer too, although had the fish been what the angler thought it was, it still was a few ounces short of the existing state record.

Anyway I always finish these blogs by saying “you never know”!  Every copy of the Fishing Guide has a state record application form and rules just in case you might need it!

Congratulations to Mike, both Ryans and Don!  Your state record certificates will be coming in the mail!

About daryl bauer

Daryl is a lifelong resident of Nebraska (except for a couple of years spent going to graduate school in South Dakota). He has been employed as a fisheries biologist for the Nebraska Game and Parks Commission for 25 years, and his current tour of duty is as the fisheries outreach program manager. Daryl loves to share his educational knowledge and is an avid multi-species angler. He holds more than 120 Nebraska Master Angler Awards for 14 different species and holds more than 30 In-Fisherman Master Angler Awards for eight different species. He loves to talk fishing and answer questions about fishing in Nebraska, be sure to check out his blog at outdoornebraska.org.

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