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Learn game cooking at Fort Atkinson SHP classes

LINCOLN, Neb. – Whether you’re new to hunting or an experienced die-hard, you can learn something new at three upcoming venison and game bird cooking classes taught by Cure Cooking at Fort Atkinson State Historical Park (SHP).

The Jan. 21 Deer Sausage Making class will focus on the craft of natural sausage making for deer and other game using traditional methods – no pre-made mixes involved.

During the Fresh Venison Cookery class on Jan. 28, students will explore several venison cooking techniques, including slow cooking, hot cooking, quick searing and more.

Expand your game bird recipe repertoire during the Game Bird Cookery class on Feb. 4, where you’ll learn the basics of brining, roasting, smoking and sausage making.

Classes are held at Fort Atkinson SHP in Fort Calhoun, Neb. Register online at CureCooking.com/GameClasses. For more information, contact Chad Lebo at curecook@gmail.com. A park entry permit is required.

About Jerry Kane

Jerry Kane is the news manager with the Nebraska Game and Parks Commission. He can be contacted at jerry.kane@nebraska.gov or 402-471-5008.

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