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Aquatic Habitat Project Underway at Conestoga Reservoir

LINCOLN – Visitors to Conestoga Reservoir State Recreation in Lancaster County may find temporary area closures as an Aquatic Habitat project begins there this week.

The long-awaited project for this popular destination between Emerald and Denton will continue through the summer of 2017.

BSB Construction Inc., of Curtis, Nebraska, was awarded the contract to excavate deposited sediment, build sediment traps and wetlands to improve water quality, stabilize eroded shorelines, and install several fish- and fisherman-friendly amenities.

Some areas will be closed for safety reasons during construction, but the main campground likely will remain open. The property is owned by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and managed by the Nebraska Game and Parks Commission.

Conestoga will be one of more than 100 different Nebraska waters improved by the Aquatic Habitat Program since 1997. Funding is being provided by fishing license sales, and grants from the Nebraska Environmental Trust, Nebraska Department of Environmental Quality and the Sport Fish Restoration Fund.

About Jerry Kane

Jerry Kane is the news manager with the Nebraska Game and Parks Commission. He can be contacted at jerry.kane@nebraska.gov or 402-471-5008.

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