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Spider Dogs & Banana Boats

Hershy likes easy camp food which can be mean foil wrapped items like banana boats
Hershy likes easy camp food which can be mean foil wrapped items like banana boats

When it comes to camp cooking I usually trend toward the simple.  I leave the complex eats to those with more skills than I.  That in mind I thought I would share a couple standard eats around my campsite that seem to go over well and need little prep or time.  You can also getting everyone regardless age involved in the process which helps out, too.

Spider Dogs
This is simply a twist on the standard fire-roasted wiener and adds extra excitement.  Tell someone you cooked and ate spider dogs and your sure to get a reaction from them that is quite different than if you merely stated you roasted some hotdogs.

Make 1.5 to 2" slices perpendicular to one another
Make 1.5 to 2″ slices perpendicular to one another

Materials needed are a cutting instrument (butter knives work), a cooking stick (or fork) and your preferred hot dog.  All you have to do is make 2 slices on each end of the hot dog.  Cuts should be 1.5 to 2 inches long and perpendicular to each other.  Place on your cooking stick and place over the fire.  As the dog warms the fingers you made with the cuts begin to curl and resemble the legs of a spider.  Once the spider dog is hot throughout its time to eat.  I do think the slices aid in a quick cooking time…

Spider Dogs ready to eat
Spider Dogs ready to eat

Banana Boats
When I was in Cub Scouts banana boats were a common snack and camp-time treat. I rediscovered them recently as I looked for an alternative delivery system for chocolate and marshmallows.   They are wonderfully easy and satisfy most of us with a sweet-tooth.

The Boat is Loaded
The Boat is Loaded

You will need bananas (with peel still on), mini-marshmallows, chocolate chips of your choice, aluminum foil, and a spoon.  Start by peeling just one part of the peel down to expose the banana, while making sure it remains attached to the rest of the peel and banana.  Use the spoon to scoop out a small trench in the banana itself – feel free to eat what you remove.  Then stuff this trench with the mini-marshmallows and chocolate chips.  Cover again with the loose peel and then wrap everything together with the foil.  Place on low heat and allow the banana to warm which will melt the marshmallows and chocolate.  When ready grab your spoon and dig in…it won’t last very long.


Sweet Rewards
Sweet Rewards

About Aaron Hershberger

Aaron "hershy" Hershberger is an Outdoor Education Specialist with the Nebraska Game and Parks Commission. He loves being outdoors. When not outdoors he is day-dreaming about being outdoors and/or whining that he is not outdoors. Hershy has been a Hunter Education Instructor, in two states, for nearly three decades & a Bowhunter Education Instructor for over 20 years.

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