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Tag Archives: Sunfish

Bluegill are a great catch in summer

It’s hot. It’s humid. Whew! Yeah, it’s summer alright. Hey, has your fishing success slowed with the conditions? I though so. Well, one fish leads the way with lots of action for anglers in the good, old summertime — bluegill. A male bluegill stands guard on its nest in a southern Nebraska pond. Underwater photo courtesy of NEBRASKAland Magazine/Nebraska Game and Parks Commission. Maybe it’s the kid in me, I don’t know. But, at 61 years of age (approaching 62), …

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Know your fish before you head to lake

By Larry Pape Nebraska Game and Parks Commission Nebraska is home to more than 100 fish species. Many of these will never be encountered on a fishing hook because their size, habits or habitats make them unavailable or undesirable to anglers. Most fish that can be caught by hook and line are designated as sport fish species. Nebraska offers opportunity for more than 40 of these species. It is good to know which sport fish you are catching since several …

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Like all anglers, I love big fish.  The bigger the better.  Big, bad, predator fish turn my crank. But, I also love the variety.  In fact I spend at least some time every year just tossing a small “bobber” and catching some sunfish. Does watching a bobber go under ever get old?  Or maybe I should ask, are you ever too old to not get excited seeing a bobber go down?  If you do, then you should quit fishing. Now, …

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Beauty is in the Eye of the Beholder


I have often said that one of the things I like most about trout fishing is the beauty of the fish.  Even a 6-inch brook trout can be a prized catch because they are such pretty fish.  I am convinced that is part of the glamour of trout fishing, that and fly-rods, and the fact that cold-water habitats where trout reside typically are also really purdy places. Likewise, I am awed by the diversity and beauty of fish on a …

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Tech Committee Meetings


I try not to bore folks too much with my day-to-day job activities here on my blog.  But, I want to share with you one thing I did last week. . . . The corollary to the fishing is always better in some other state (Grass is always greener), is “Why don’t you do what the biologists in _______________ are doing?” (fill in blank with whatever state you choose where the fishing is better).  I hope folks understand that we …

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