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Tag Archives: state record fish

Big Fish!

I suspect that some of you have already heard about this fish, but just in case you have not. . . . First of all, you should know that the Omaha World Herald has a new outdoor webpage, gooutdoorsne.com .  We, the Nebraska Game & Parks Commission, have partnered with the World Herald on that page.  You will find a ton of outdoors, hunting and fishing, “stuff” there and if you have not checked it out yet, you need to.  Look …

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State Record Update, October 2013

A few more state record applications have piled up on my desk, most from the summer months, but one from this fall.  Let me tell you about them. . . . Rod & Reel The first one I want to tell you about is a creek chub that was caught by 9-year old Hunter Pitt of Hastings.  Hunter caught an 11 ounce, 12 inch creek chub from a drainage ditch in Dodge County on the 5th of July.  You can …

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HOLY COW! Big Blue!

By now many Nebraska anglers may have seen the photos of a big blue catfish that was recently caught.  I fired up my computer this morning and saw this. I have said before that there have been darned few verified catches of triple-digit fish from Nebraska waters, so any catch like that is a notable catch!  I have spent some time today trying to run down more details, and so far have not been able to find out much more. …

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Big Catfish

I have seen several pictures of big Nebraska catfish floating around on the internet lately.  The pictures I have seen have been of big blue and flathead catfish; I might as well mention another one I have seen, this one a channel cat. Andrew Paulsen and Phil Heckman of Milford were doing some fishing recently on a public body of water in Nebraska when they caught a bunch of big channel cats.  Here is the biggest one. They released that …

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State Record Update, July 2013

We are half way through 2013 already.  I have a few state record applications that have accumulated on my desk, time to tell you about them. Let me start with a couple of European rudd caught from Box Butte Reservoir.  Rudd are an exotic species that are closely related to our native golden shiners.  Rudd were spread across the country a few years back as many bait shops sold them.  We have a healthy population of those baitfish in Box …

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State Record Summary, 2012

One of my favorite things I get to do in my present position here at the Nebraska Game & Parks Commission is keep track of our state record fish.  I will periodically give updates and show a few pictures here on my blog; at this time let me summarize the state record activity for 2012. We had 14 fish certified as state records in 2012.  We recognize state record fish in four categories, hook & line (or rod & reel), …

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