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Tag Archives: proper fish handling

Fish Flop Friday

Proper fish handling is a topic I blog about frequently.  With the significance of catch & release in all fishing now, handling fish so they have the maximum chance of survival is imperative. The thing is, fish are slimy.  They can also be very lively and strong when being handled.  All of that can result in some awkward moments when no matter our good intentions, the fish end up doing something else. That can create some instances when you just …

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You ARE Going to be Releasing Fish, Might as well Do It Right!


I noted a week ago that the fish are biting, now.  The reports I am hearing and photos I am seeing have exploded in the past week.  May and June are some of the best open-water fishing months every year.  We are in the middle of that NOW! Have noticed some other things about all of those photos and reports, so I am going to blog about it again:  Best fish handling practices. Now, don’t you dare tune me out …

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Why Wear Rubber Gloves When Handling Fish?

I continue to be called bad names for wearing them. Most recently, I was called a “super wimp” for having them on my hands. I have been labeled an “inadequate angler” since I have donned on them. I have been told that my “bravado” and “edge” have been lost when it comes to fishing because I am handling fish while wearing rubber gloves. Ah yes, THOSE GLOVES. People have also had their curiosity piqued by those of us who wear rubber …

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