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Tag Archives: Nebraska State Record Fish

State Record Update, Mid-2024


Have not posted a state record update for a long time.  There has been a good reason for that–nothing to update. Actually, I have had one new state record application since this spring.  I waited though because I was hoping there would be more.  Heard nothing about any other new state records for weeks.  That all changed recently.  Now there is more to tell you about. . . . Might as well take them in order. . . . Rod …

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State Record Summary, 2023


We are a month into 2024 already.  Let me summarize the state record fish we had caught in Nebraska last year. One Last Entry Invariably, as soon as I post a state record update a new entry hits my desk.  Last fall was no exception.  My last update was in October and I posted a postscript to that update.  I had received news of a new state record right after that blog was posted.  At that time I teased that …

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State Record Update, Fall 2023


There has not been a lot of activity on the state record fish front.  However, I do have a couple of new state records to tell you about. . . . Rod & Reel Chronologically, the first to mention would be a silver carp caught on June 17.  Keith Bader from Bellevue caught this 37 pound 6 ounce silver carp from a private sandpit in Cass county.  The fish was about 41 inches long and was caught on a spinner. …

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State Record Update, Fall 2020


Been a while since I gave an update on state record fish.  We usually do not see a lot of state record activity during the fall, but we have seen some this year.  Let’s go back to late August for the first one I want to tell you about: Surface Spearing Matthew Wiederholt of Phillips speared a silver carp on the Platte River in Hamilton County on August 29th.  His fish weighed 10 pounds 7 ounces, and was 31 1/4 …

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State Record Update, August 2020


I have not provided the usual state record updates this year.  There was a slow start to the year with little to report.  Then, June rolled around and there were three, big, state record fish caught in back-to-back-to-back weeks.  I blogged almost immediately about them because they were so notable .  Let me get back on track by giving a full run-down here.  Might as well start from the beginning, way back in February. . . . Silver Carp Hayden …

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State Record Summary, 2019


I got to thinking. . . . I have not given a summary of state record fish certified in 2019.  Time to do that. . . . Four fish were certified as new state records in 2019. Surface Spearfishing No new state record fish were taken by surface spearfishing in 2019. Underwater Spearfishing One fish taken by underwater spearfishing was certified as a state record in 2019, a 1 pound 12 ounce redear sunfish taken from a private pond in …

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State Record Update, June 2019


Been a long time since I mentioned what is new on the state record front.  Got three new state records to tell you about.  Let’s start with a couple of rod & reel records: The first to hit my desk this year came back in April.  Scott McGuire from Grant pushed our tiger trout record even higher, just short of 5 pounds now, 4 pounds 14 ounces. Scott’s fish was 24 inches long, and was caught from the North Platte …

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State Record Summary, 2017


Time for my “annual report” on state record fish in the past year.  As with most years there was some state record activity and there were some surprises! Surface Spearfishing  There were no fish entered for surface spearfishing records in 2017. Underwater Spearfishing We had four fish certified as new underwater spearfishing state records in the past year.  The smallest of those was a whopping 1 ounce alewife taken from Lake McConaughy. In September, a 10 ounce shortnose gar was …

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State Record Update, July 2017


There has not been a lot of activity on the state record front, but I have a couple of fish and a couple of stories to share with you: Rod & Reel The first goes way back to April; the application literally came in right after I cleared the last batch of state record applications.  So, Brent Stephens of Kearney believes that we forgot all about his state record catch.  Sorry, Brent. I have told you about the “triploid” crappie …

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State Record Update, Winter 2017

We are three months into 2017 and yes, I have some new state record fish to tell you about. . . . I have three new state records to report on, all of them taken by rod & reel.  The first was caught back on the third day of the new year, and the angler who caught it surely believes I have forgotten about getting his state record certificate to him. . . . Redear Sunfish On Jan. 3, Kelly …

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