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Tag Archives: Largemouth bass

Onto Something Bigger


About a month ago I noted that I like to transition from my spring turkey hunting addiction back to fishing sometime in late spring (Great Spring).  I often “ease” back into it by watching a bobber.  That never gets old! However, I have to admit, after drying off some panfish, my thoughts quickly pivot to something bigger, to some larger predators. I have been on a few different waters around the state in the past few weeks.  Larger predator fish …

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Fishing, July 2023


We are in the middle of summer, but that does not mean I have quit fishing!  In fact, I have been out and about the state a couple of times over the past two, three weeks.  As always the fishing gear went with me, and I grabbed some time on the water when I could! Spent one afternoon wading and casting for some bass in the sandhills.  No, all sandhills lakes did not winterkill last winter. I purposely had my …

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Adventure Report, Late Ice 2023

According to many experts on the interwebs, Nebraska’s ice-fishing season has been DONE for a couple of weeks now. BALONEY. Nebraska is a big state.  You have probably heard me say before that the state’s geography and climate changes A LOT from one end of the state to the other.  You may live in the southeast part of Nebraska, where much of our human population does live, and you may think the ice fishing season is over.  It ain’t, not …

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On Ice, Jan. 2023

Quick blog post today; just want to give a little report on what I have been seeing on the ice.  Yes, ice fishing 2023 has been good, have been on the ice quite a bit so far this season.  Mostly I have been fishing small waters, pits and ponds.  There is no real reason for that, no real strategy.  It has just worked out that those are the waters I have fished the most.  Actually, my new year did start …

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Ice Bass

A couple of winters ago I posted a blog about catching largemouth bass through the ice, Largemouth Bass on Ice.  There is no doubt that largemouth bass are warm-water fish.  However, northern strain largemouth bass are very capable of being quite successful in northern places like Nebraska.  As a matter of fact, those warm-water largemouth bass can remain quite active during the winter, under the ice. My approach to catching largemouth bass through the ice used to be one of …

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Fall in Review, 2022


I have probably said it a hundred times, will again.  I fish hard in the fall.  In my opinion, some of the best open-water fishing of the year occurs in the fall.  So, I try to finish open-water fishing each year with a flourish. Like everything else in fishing, although they may all be good, some autumns are better than others.  My fall bite this year was hit and miss.  I would have liked a few more big fish (which …

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Happy New Year, 2023


If you have followed my blog for a while, you know that my first day on the ice each year is a day to be celebrated!  In fact, I proclaim that day each year as “New Year’s Day”.  It is the first day of the new ice season, first day of the next year’s season. I celebrated New Year’s Day 2023 on “black Friday”. Yes, I know that was a couple of weeks ago.  I did not blog about it …

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Adventure Report, Mid-Summer 2022

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I have been “out” on a couple of trips in the past few weeks.  I got outta the eastern part of the state and into “real” Nebraska, back to the sandhills.  The trips were made to spend time with family and meet with co-workers, but you know the fishing gear went with me.  It always does! I did not necessarily spend a lot of time fishing, nor did I get to fish prime times.  I will always tell you the …

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An Assist!


I have blogged about busted rods and lost fish recently.  Once in a while a person just needs an assist: Sorry.  I know that video is not new, and it is stupid–just the way I like it.  I thought I had posted it in my blog before, but if I have I could not find it. Hopefully, it will send you out the door on your weekend adventure with a smile on your face!  Better take a good buddy with …

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Been Around Some More


I have continued to be “out of the office” with some frequency the past few weeks.  Have continued to get around the state and dry off a few while I was at it.  Time for a report. . . . How far have I been?  Well, far enough to see some sights! Caught some fish while I was out there! Thanks for sharing your fishing spot with us, Robby! Then I met up with my kids for a few days …

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