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Tag Archives: Fisheries Science

Mouth Closed, Tail Pinched


I see and hear a lot of comments about measuring fish.  Just want to say this is the most correct way: Now, you can measure your fish any way you want.  Make up any story you want.  We all do!  However, keep in mind, when length limits are involved, for legal purposes, there is a right way and you need to know it.  Pointy-headed fish biologists call it “total length”. Will also say that “bump boards” work best.  Make sure …

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Sampling Summaries


Going to mention something today which many of you are already aware.  On the other hand, I know that not everyone knows because I continually answer questions about it. You know about the annual Fishing Forecast: For those of you who are interested in a little more information, information specific to individual waterbodies, make sure to check out our Sampling Summaries. I will always tell you that the fish population sampling that fisheries biologists collect are indices.  Any one year’s …

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Public Meetings on Tape, 2024


I hope you were able to sit in on at least one of our public Fisheries meetings last week.  If you could not, never fear, we have ’em on tape! Before I post the links, let me say this:  If you fish in Nebraska, you should take the time to watch at least one of these videos.  If you get around the state and fish a variety of waters, you might want to watch ’em all! First one was southeast …

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Ogallala Tagged Trout


As you know the Lake Ogallala fishery was renovated last fall, Lake Ogallala Renovation.  Rainbow and tiger trout as well as yellow perch have been re-stocked.  The trout are large enough to catch, but I have not made it out there to see if I could dry any off yet. If you are going to be doing some fishing on Lake Ogallala, the canal or North Platte River below the reservoir, you should know that there are a few tagged …

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Flanagan Tagagan

Have only fished the relatively new Flanagan Reservoir in NW Omaha a couple of times.  Have caught a grand total of four northern pike there so far. Two of them were tagged. Previously mentioned some details about the first of those tagged pike, On Ice, On Air.  Let me return to that subject today, tell you about the other tagged Flanagan pike, and explain a little more about the fisheries work going on there. Let me start all the way …

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“Blinded Me with Science”–Bluegill Growth Rates


The May issue of Nebraskaland magazine has a short article on bluegill growth rates.  You will want to check it out. Right now you can see the full issue HERE. Or, here are the two pages: Over-harvest of panfish, bluegills and crappies, is a real problem on a lot of waters.  No, those populations are not harvested to the point where there are not enough fish to reproduce and maintain the population.  They are over-harvested to the point where they …

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Does Fishing Lure Color Really Matter?

Spring, open-water fishing is upon us in Nebraska and anglers are organizing their tackle boxes. Chances are they have an assortment of different colored artificial fishing lures in the trays of that tackle box; probably more than they’ll ever use. But if you want to get a good discussion going about fishing lures, start one on colors. WOW!  Anyone who fishes has an opinion about the color of the lures they cast for success. So, what about fishing lure colors? …

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Don’t Stunt


The December issue of Nebraskaland has a one-page story by Jeff Kurrus, Don’t Stunt.  Yes, Jeff spent some time in my office talking about the story.  Yes, Jeff quotes me in the article.  If you have been reading my blog for a while, you will recognize the subject matter, again: I have said before, will again now.  I have seen far more panfish populations that suffer from the effects of over-harvest, than I have seen in less numerous, larger, predator …

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Golden Brown


I have commented before that when you spend enough time in the field or on the water, you will see some unusual things.  Pointy-headed fisheries biologists handle thousands of fish.  Sure, we see some exceptionally large specimens and occasionally we see some other oddities. Unusually-colored fish get a lot of attention.  The “interwebs” often have photos of oddly-colored fish or fish with other weirdness.  I believe part of the reason for the occurence of those oddities is fish produce so …

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Goose Lake Success


I spread word last week about the rotenone renovation of Goose Lake.  I was busy and did not make it up to see the operation, but I did see a couple of follow-up photos.  It is always unbelievable the numbers, and domination, of rough fish when we do a renovation! Previous renovations of sandhill lakes have shown that there can be over 1600 pounds per acre of just common carp (Rat and Beaver)!  At that level, there just ain’t much …

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