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Tag Archives: fish pictures

Gonna Have to Get One!


Been seeing this commercial on TV recently: Apparently, carp fishermen are one of their big target audiences?  Or should I say big carp fishermen are one of their targets? Anyway, the commercial got my attention and I love it!  Gotta admit, one of those watches could come in handy!  I would imagine it works with other species of fish too? Hope you catch a big flopping fish to hug and take pictures of this weekend.  And notice, it was released!

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Good Night


Last blog post I gave a little run down of my fishing adventures this fall.  Oh, by the way, we still have open water and I ain’t done yet. I mentioned in that post that fall is my favorite open water fishing of the year.  There are a lot of reasons for that, but good opportunities to catch big fish rank near the top of the list. Also believe that the autumn provides some of the most gorgeous sunsets of …

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Just Fish It!


It is Friday.  Another weekend is upon us.  For many of us, that means at least a little time on the water!  We need it!  We have earned it! You know I have a ton of fish pictures.  I keep taking them, but I love seeing fish pictures from others too.  I never get tired of them. Saved a quote from a wise fishing friend about all those fish pictures, those “hero shots”: The “Hero Shot” pose is a standard …

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“Winner, Winner, Chicken Dinner”

We just finished our fourth year of the Take ‘Em Fishing challenge.  That means it was time to hand out some prizes! Four anglers win grand prizes in Take ’em Fishing challenge There is nothing quite like a fishing trip with family or friends, especially if a newcomer is involved. Nebraska’s Take ’em Fishing program celebrates that and rewards those who make the effort to bring fishing into someone’s life. At the conclusion of Take ’em Fishing’s fourth year, grand …

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Still Time!

From the looks of it, a lot of folks have forgotten about our Take ‘Em Fishing challenge this year.  I know school is starting and summer is coming to an end, but there is still time to find someone who has not been fishing, or has not fished for some time, and get ’em on the water! If you need more incentive, you can do that and be eligible to win prizes!  (HINT, HINT, wink, wink–with less participation this year, …

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Hero Shot

A few weeks ago I posted a picture of my son with a very nice, 36-inch pike he pulled through an ice hole this winter.  I put all of my blog posts on my FaceBook page too, and there a friend was giving me a bad time about the “hero shots” and holding fish closer to the camera to make them look bigger.  Another friend chimed in and said something that I thought was profound; I want to share it …

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