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Tag Archives: family traditions

Under the Pink Moon


I have noted in my blog many times before that spending time in the outdoors with friends and especially family is very important.  Have spent a lot of time in the spring turkey field with both my son and daughter.  We have enjoyed each other’s hunts as much as our own. Time never stops, and my kids are gone from home at this time.  Both of them now have their own spouses to share hunting adventures with.  That does not …

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Passed It On


I cleaned some “stuff” off the dresser at home.  Found some newspaper clippings I wanted to keep.  While I was filing them away at the office these old clippings fell out: Those would be my maternal grandparents.  The clippings were from the Atkinson Graphic.  I love looking back at those old pictures; love remembering times spent fishing with my grandparents.  I am betting I know the exact farm pond Gramps caught the bass from.  Wonder if he caught it on …

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Passing It On


A few weeks ago I suggested there were a lot of really good reasons to take someone hunting or fishing, Take ‘Em.  Our Take ‘Em Hunting and Take ‘Em Fishing promotions offer prizes for those who take someone new hunting or fishing.  Prizes are a good reason. But it is a lot more than that. That was the point of my Take ‘Em blog. A few days after posting that blog, I was reminded of some other good reasons to …

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It’s a Classic

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Judging by some of the new shows on cable TV, folks have an interest in where they came from, their ancestry, what makes them, themselves.  For the weekend, let me give you a little glimpse into some of my blood, and have some fun with it. . . . I have mentioned before that there is some musical talent in my blood.  Let me prove that by sharing a photo one of my cousins shared with me:  Here is my …

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“It’s Never JUST Fishing”

Let me again refer back to our current fishing promotion and commercial for this blog post. [youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IohDx0fuqxQ[/youtube] We kicked around a lot of ideas for that promotion and settled on the “It’s Never JUST Fishing” theme.  That theme means a lot of different things to hard-core anglers.  One meaning that many of us thought of was all the logistics and preparations that go into a fishing trip–getting the boat ready to go, putting new line on reels, finding bait and …

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