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Tag Archives: blue sucker

State Record Update, Mid-2024


Have not posted a state record update for a long time.  There has been a good reason for that–nothing to update. Actually, I have had one new state record application since this spring.  I waited though because I was hoping there would be more.  Heard nothing about any other new state records for weeks.  That all changed recently.  Now there is more to tell you about. . . . Might as well take them in order. . . . Rod …

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State Record Summary, 2014

We are drawing to the end of another year, and with ice conditions the way they are right now, I am not expecting any more activity as far as state record fish are concerned.  So let me show a few pictures and give a quick review of the state record fish that were caught in the state this year. Archery The first state record fish that was taken in 2014 was a blue sucker taken while bow-fishing back in May. …

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State Record Update, July 2014

We are over half way through 2014 and I have not given any updates on the state record fish front. It is time. Blue Sucker I only have a few to tell you about, might as well start with the first one to cross my desk this year.  Back in May, May 10 to be exact, Ethan Wellman of Mead arrowed a blue sucker with his bow.  Ethan’s fish weighed 11 pounds 1 ounce and will be a new state …

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