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2022-2023 Public Access Atlas now available

There are more than a million acres of publicly accessible lands throughout Nebraska. The recently published 2022-2023 Public Access Atlas identifies and consolidates these public access resources for the benefit of Nebraska’s hunters, trappers and anglers.

Printed copies of this year’s atlas are available at Nebraska Game and Parks Commission headquarters and soon will be available in its district offices and service centers, as well as wherever hunt and fish permits are sold.

The Public Access Atlas also is available online at OutdoorNebraska.org/PublicAccessAtlas in several different formats: Interactive atlas map, offline atlas (mobile-friendly), digital flipbook and Google Earth KMZ files.

The atlas is updated annually and displays all publicly accessible lands throughout the state, including state, federal and conservation partner lands.

Private lands enrolled in Game and Parks’ Open Fields and Waters Program also are included in the atlas. Open Fields and Waters provides financial incentives to private landowners allowing walk-in, public access for hunting, trapping and/or fishing. Finding places to hunt and fish can be a challenge for hunters and anglers but, thanks to Nebraska’s landowners, 381,000 acres of private lands are available through this voluntary program.

About Jerry Kane

Jerry Kane is the news manager with the Nebraska Game and Parks Commission. He can be contacted at jerry.kane@nebraska.gov or 402-471-5008.

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