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Staring at the Nebraska Sky

When me and my friends are hunting Canada geese in southeastern Nebraska this time of year, we find ourselves continually staring at the sky.


Sure, we are watching the sky intently for flocks of Canada geese flying, but it goes far beyond that. Oh yes, far beyond that. We find ourselves mesmerized by the ever-changing sky here on the Great Plains.


And, our Nebraska sky invites you to stare.


Some say the sky is our mountains.


By staring at the sky, you discover that there are no boundaries or limitations. You can see that there are no borders in space, time or gravity; that beyond this planet of ours there is a huge space or expanse of experiences unopened and unrevealed.


By staring at the sky with clouds present you are reminded that nature offers all the certainty and magnitude that is needed for the planet to keep going.


By staring at the sky you appreciate true beauty. From the golden sunrise to the orange glow of a warm winter sunset,  you can cloak yourself in beauty, hope and solace.


By staring at the sky, you can be filled with amazement and wonderment. The sky encourages you to ask questions. It waters your curiosity.


By staring at the sky you can restore your connection to nature. The sky slows you down and offers you a chance to take a deep breath to expand your soul and embrace your freedom.


By staring at the sky you enjoy  food for the soul which costs nothing. It’s free serenity and beauty. Everyone in the world, everywhere, has access to this marvel and can enjoy its abundance of space at no charge.


By staring at the sky you can gain a sense of infinity. Everything around us these days seem to be finite. But not the sky, no, especially not the Nebraska sky. It captivates, and adds to the mystery above us. It can take us to somewhere to parts unknown, perhaps opening a door to more connections and journeys in your life.


By staring at the sky, you can see things the way they actually are, real and pure. A view of the sky is not what we see on our phones, the media or what we are bombarded with by technology.


Will you look at the sky today?


About greg wagner

A native of Gretna, NE, a graduate of Gretna High School and Bellevue University, Greg Wagner currently serves as the Communications and Marketing Specialist and Manager for the Nebraska Game and Parks Commission's Service Center in Omaha. On a weekly basis, Wagner can be heard on a number of radio stations, seen on local television in Omaha, and on social media channels, creatively conveying natural resource conservation messages as well as promoting outdoor activities and destinations in Nebraska. Wagner, whose career at Game and Parks began in 1979, walks, talks, lives, breathes and blogs about Nebraska’s outdoors. He grew up in rural Gretna, building forts in the woods, hunting, fishing, collecting leaves, and generally thriving on constant outdoor activity. One of the primary goals of his blog is to get people, especially young ones, to have fun and spend time outside!

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