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Tweet Me Tomorrow

My first LIVE chat on Twitter is tomorrow from Noon to 1 p.m. CST and I hope you’ll be joining me! Use @NEGameandParks and ‪#‎AskWags to ask a question or two or share a comment about Nebraska’s great outdoors. I’ll be directed and assisted by Game and Parks compatriots Dylan McCaugherty and Maximillian Wesely.

Now, I don’t pretend to know everything about the Husker State’s outdoor scene and am always constantly in learning mode, but I’ve been around for a while, spend a ton of time in the field hunting and whatnot, am well-traveled and know a little about a lot of different topics!


Here’s a fun question for you in advance of our Twitter chat. Can you guess the Nebraska state park where the photo below was taken? It’s one of my favorite destinations to visit in the fall when the colors are at their peak (which they will be soon)!


Tweet me the answer tomorrow afternoon over the lunch hour and we’ll see if you got it right. I look forward to chatting with you about anything outdoors-related in Nebraska including fishing! See you tomorrow … on Twitter! Oh, by the way, start tweeting us now if you can’t make the live chat. Tweet your questions related to anything outdoors during the fall to @negameandparks and use #ASKWAGS


About greg wagner

A native of Gretna, NE, a graduate of Gretna High School and Bellevue University, Greg Wagner currently serves as the Communications and Marketing Specialist and Manager for the Nebraska Game and Parks Commission's Service Center in Omaha. On a weekly basis, Wagner can be heard on a number of radio stations, seen on local television in Omaha, and on social media channels, creatively conveying natural resource conservation messages as well as promoting outdoor activities and destinations in Nebraska. Wagner, whose career at Game and Parks began in 1979, walks, talks, lives, breathes and blogs about Nebraska’s outdoors. He grew up in rural Gretna, building forts in the woods, hunting, fishing, collecting leaves, and generally thriving on constant outdoor activity. One of the primary goals of his blog is to get people, especially young ones, to have fun and spend time outside!

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