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Missing That Duck Blind Cooking!

My favorite meals have come from the heat of a campfire or the excitement of a duck blind.  Make no mistake, I like most foods, but those that came from the crackle of an open fire or the camaraderie of the duck blind….that taste lingers!

The duck blind is a time for special dishes from a more hidden menu.   Dishes you don’t find every day have a solid place in such venues.  I am not going to fill you full of  recipes as the Rawlinson men take an oath at age five to keep these in the family.   But here are a few tips that can make outdoor cooking fun and exciting!

Big mouth handy!
Big mouth handy!

Venison  Steaks

Venison is one of the best kept secrets in the modern world.  Many will consume this special treat but few know how to actually prepare it.  Venison steaks beg to be flash grilled over an open flame for the first few minutes.   This serves to sear the outside and trap the rich flavor and juices inside.

Venison steaks are best served cooked no warmer than medium.  Anything longer will actually hurt the flavor and texture.   The steak should be red in the middle!   You will notice this method makes them juicy and tender.

Venison steaks also do very well with rubs and marinades.  One my my favorites it so marinade in brown sugar and bourbon over night.   Sprinkle with garlic salt and your cookin!   I also like cracked pepper rubs mixed with garlic salt and brown sugar.


Add a new twist to a standard treat by serving candied bacon!   I prefer the thickest cuts of bacon you can find and drizzle with brown sugar while on the skillet.   This can turn a normal breakfast to something extraordinary!   This assumes you are using a well seasoned cast iron skillet….nothing compares for flavor.

Did I mention I like cheese?
Grilled peppers can make duck blind biscuits even BETTER

Duck Blind Biscuits

Bacon, egg and cheese biscuits are awesome in the duck blind or at camp.  I start with the bacon and brown sugar on the skillet.  When cooked, I remove the bacon and add a sliced sweet onion to the skillet.  When the onion is cooked tender, I fry the eggs and add cracked pepper and garlic salt.   At this time I toast the english muffins over the skillet and put it all together.  Top it with a ring of grilled pineapple and this sandwich is incredible on flavor.

Add a grilled pineapple ring to your duck blind biscuits for something awesome!
Add a grilled pineapple ring to your duck blind biscuits for something awesome!

Now is the time to experiment on a few dishes over a campfire.  Everyone eats while camping.  Make your dishes legendary!

See You Out There


About jeff rawlinson

Jeff is the Education Manager in the Communications Division with Game and Parks where he has worked for the last 15 years. He oversees the Hunter Education, Boater Education, Hunter Outreach and Shooting Range Development for the Commission and is a devout hunter, angler, wildlife viewer, naturalist, father and husband. He holds a BS and MS from the University of Nebraska, Lincoln. He has been a Hunter Education Instructor for over 20 years, NRA firearms instructor and range officer, National Archery in the Schools Program Archery Instructor Specialist and member of the National NASP Board, sits on the Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies Hunter Recruitment and Retention Committee and Education Committee. Jeff is an avid handgun hunter, loves to chase turkeys in the spring, squirrel hunting enthusiast and philosopher of the outdoors. He is an avid shooter and loves to spend outdoor time with family and friends. He has a passion for exciting others about the outdoors. A history buff, Jeff is a strong supporter of our North American Model of Conservation and tries to spread the message of its importance and relevance every chance he gets.

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