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An Outdoor Weekend Just For The Ladies!

Perhaps some of us grew up hunting, fishing, shooting, camping, kayaking or just simply enjoying the outdoors.   Imagine that you would love to do those things but simply do not know where to start.  For thousands of women in Nebraska, that is unfortunately the case.  I know this may be a shocker to some, but Dad, sometimes, did not take his daughter along on the annual hunting/fishing trips (shame on you Dad).  Today, thousands of women are taking to the outdoors thanks in part to programs like the Nebraska Becoming an Outdoors-Woman.  This unique program is likely to be one of the most fun and smartest investments in self and family you will ever make.

Nestled in the unique picturesque setting of the Bessey Division of the Nebraska National Forest near Halsey, NE, the State 4H Camp with it’s grand lodge and rustic cabins tucked into the trees provides for an ideal setting for the annual BOW program.  Each year, the first weekend in October (October 4-6 for 2013), 110 ladies from across the state will join Nebraska Game and Parks professionals and volunteers for several days of incredible outdoor fun.  Imagine you and a friend spending the weekend learning how to kayak, fish, perfect your outdoor cooking, shoot a bow, rifle, shotgun or muzzleloader, learn to hunt, learn to clean game, identify birds, nature hike, fly fish, outdoor photography, geocaching, canoeing and enjoy the camaraderie of a bond fire and meet women from across the state with similar interests.  Now imagine doing all this with a huge smile on  your face and stuffed from eating incredible food!  That is BOW!

I know this may shock some but spouses don’t always make the best instructors.  Sure they mean well, but they do not always foster the best climate for learning (now that was a politically correct way of dealing with that issue).  Our unique blend of instructors plays a big role in the success of this program.  Outdoor enthusiasts such as Julie Geiser, Christy Christiansen, Aaron Hershberger, Julia Plugge, Peggy Kapeller, Herb Angell and of course Daryl Bauer are the backbone of this program.  They love the outdoors and truly enjoy teaching their passions to others.  Their knowledge and laid back approach is what makes this program so valuable.  Many women feel more comfortable learning in a room full of other women who have the same questions.  Social support plays a big role in hunting and fishing.  Don’t believe me?  Just look at the guys who take to these sports every year.  We can’t leave home without each other!  Camaraderie plays a big role for all of us!

It is not uncommon to hear comments from BOW participants such as “best weekend of my life” or “most fun I have ever had!”  Not too often will you have a chance to participate in a program that will not only change your life but that of your family and friends.  BOW has that potential.

Not all of us grew up knowing how to maneuver a kayak, shoot a bow, bust clay targets out of the sky or clean fish.  Fortunately, some folks did and some of the very best of that lot will be waiting to help get you started at BOW this fall.   For more information or to register visit www.NebraskaBOW.com

See You Out There


Kayaking the Loup River near Halsey is a blast!
Learning to use the Dutch Oven! Now that is empowerment!
The small game handgun hunting workshop is my favorite!
Shooting from the ground blind take practice.....
Learning rifle shooting skills is truly a blast!

About jeff rawlinson

Jeff is the Education Manager in the Communications Division with Game and Parks where he has worked for the last 15 years. He oversees the Hunter Education, Boater Education, Hunter Outreach and Shooting Range Development for the Commission and is a devout hunter, angler, wildlife viewer, naturalist, father and husband. He holds a BS and MS from the University of Nebraska, Lincoln. He has been a Hunter Education Instructor for over 20 years, NRA firearms instructor and range officer, National Archery in the Schools Program Archery Instructor Specialist and member of the National NASP Board, sits on the Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies Hunter Recruitment and Retention Committee and Education Committee. Jeff is an avid handgun hunter, loves to chase turkeys in the spring, squirrel hunting enthusiast and philosopher of the outdoors. He is an avid shooter and loves to spend outdoor time with family and friends. He has a passion for exciting others about the outdoors. A history buff, Jeff is a strong supporter of our North American Model of Conservation and tries to spread the message of its importance and relevance every chance he gets.

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