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Midland Musings with Jenny Nguyen – Everybody Loves Greg Wagner

I went to Fort Atkinson yesterday for a Press Day Event. In addition to meeting great people from the media, I also had the pleasure of bumping into Greg Wagner. Here are some photos of Greg’s brief stint as an 1820s infantryman.

Now there's a man who takes his job seriously. I feel safer, don't you?
Is that a smile I see cracking?

And that, folks, is how the West was won.

Always a pleasure, Greg. 🙂

Here are some more photos from the Press Day event. We had a great turn out. Professionals from the press and the community attended.

Here’s Julie Ashton from the Friends of Fort Atkinson playing the hammered dulcimer. It was divine. Julie let me play it… but I wasn’t very good.

Fort Atkinson is a bit of a drive for me, so I had to hit the road. But I will be back Sunday to cover their Living History event. Let’s hope for some decent weather. This snow and cold in May thing is making me cranky– just ask the people at the Norfolk office.

Fort Atkinson Living History Event Info: http://magazine.outdoornebraska.gov/2013/04/living-history-scheduled-4-5-fort-atkinson-shp/

About Jenny Nguyen-Wheatley

Jenny Nguyen-Wheatley is Nebraskaland Magazine's associate editor. She enjoys hiking, camping, horseback riding, hunting, fishing and wild game cooking.

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