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Tag Archives: turtles

National Reptile Awareness Day art contest begins

Painted turtle

LINCOLN, Neb. — Students across Nebraska are invited to celebrate National Reptile Awareness Day 2020 through an art competition hosted by the Nebraska Game and Parks Commission. Young artists in grades K-12 may submit their original artwork of a Nebraska native reptile by Oct. 14 at outdoornebraska.org/reptileart. Each student that submits a digital piece of artwork will receive a Reptile-ology magazine. Winners from each grade level will be selected by Game and Parks staff and announced on National Reptile Awareness Day …

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Why Did the Turtle Cross the Road?


Last weekend I watched a guy pull over so he could rescue a turtle that was in the middle of the road.  Once he had the turtle in hand, he walked to the side of the road where the ditch was full of water and dropped the turtle, a painted turtle, splash, back in the water. What if the turtle did not want to be in the water? What?  Has my pointy-head finally gone crazy?  Everyone knows that turtles live …

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